Fallo Pentad

Fallopentade is a pathological process that affects the blood vessels of the brain. Its main symptom is sudden onset of dizziness and fainting, which occurs due to the fact that blood flow to the head is sharply reduced. This pathological mechanism can cause visual disturbances, tinnitus and other symptoms that can be unpleasant.

The Fallot Pentade was first described in 1908 by the French physician Louis Fallot and is one of the most famous scientific discoveries in medicine. At that time, such a diagnosis of the disease was not known and its diagnosis was difficult. The disease was also known as Fallo Pentodesis or Fallo Pentad, but the term “Phalopa Pentad” was later adopted by scientists to identify and improve the understanding of this disease.

Fallopentade is a complex of symptoms characterized by impaired blood flow through the arteries of the right arm. This syndrome includes arm-shoulder-clavicle syndrome (ARMS), as well as blood vessel diseases and other diseases that cause circulatory problems.

Hand syndrome