Phallus (Phallus)

Phallus: Examination of the male sexual organ


The phallus, also known as the penis, is an important and complex organ of the male anatomy. It not only performs reproductive functions, but also plays an important role in sexual satisfaction and self-expression. In this article we will look at the phallus, starting with its development in the embryonic state and ending with its role in adult life.

  1. Phallus in embryonic development:

The phallus begins its formation already during embryonic development. The embryo develops a genital tubercle, which is the precursor of the future penis. At this early stage of development of the sexual organ there is still no definite sexual identity, and the genital tubercle is common to both sexes. However, over time, the development of the urethra and other structures determines the formation of the male penis.

  1. Functions of the phallus:

One of the main functions of the phallus is reproductive function. It serves to transfer sperm to the woman’s internal genital organs during sexual intercourse. The phallus also plays an important role in sexual satisfaction and sexual relationships. Sexual arousal leads to an erection, in which the phallus becomes hard and increases in size, allowing vaginal or anal permeability.

Additionally, the phallus is a symbol of masculinity and self-expression for many men. It can affect a man's self-esteem and self-understanding, as well as his sexual and general life.

  1. Phallus structure:

The phallus is composed of several structures, including the corpus cavernosa, the urethra, and the glans. The corpus cavernosa consists of two elastic cylindrical tissues that fill with blood during erection, which leads to an increase in the size of the phallus and its hardness. The urethra passes through the phallus and serves to transport urine and sperm.

  1. Health of the phallus:

Maintaining a healthy phallus is an important aspect of a man's overall health. Regular hygiene, protection from injury and infection, and regular medical checkups can help keep the phallus healthy. Various problems such as erectile dysfunction, inflammatory diseases and tumors can affect the function and health of the phallus. Therefore, it is important to contact a medical professional if you experience any problems or bothersome symptoms.


The phallus is an important organ of the male anatomy that plays a role in reproductive functions, sexual satisfaction and self-expression. Since its development in the embryonic state, the phallus undergoes a complex process of formation that results in the formation of the penis. Maintaining the health of the phallus requires regular care and attention, as well as timely contact with medical specialists if necessary.

The study of the phallus and its functions is an important area of ​​science and medicine, and continued research in this area may lead to new discoveries and the development of treatments for various problems associated with the phallus.

The phallus is... The phallus, also the phallus-penis or juvenile tubercle (Latin phallus - “member-like”) is a congenital genital tubercle, developing as an undifferentiated skin formation near the external opening of the urethra, intended for sucking. Typically, this term is used to refer to the phallus of male embryos or male fetuses, but some researchers use it to refer to various structures in insects, mollusks and other invertebrate animals. This formation resembles the shape of a penis. At birth, a man has a small tube between his legs, which normally disappears after the baby is born. Now more and more people are being born with this pathology, entire new races are appearing with a non-functioning penis from birth, many newborns die before they even reach the age of one year. This defect is called cavernous sinus