Farasiyun - common horehound

Farasiyun is a herb that tastes bitter.

Oribasius says: “Its warming and drying properties are not strong.” And others say that it is hot, dry to the third degree.

Opens blockages, cleanses, dissolves, dissolves and tears off.

Organs of the head.
Squeezing its juice helps with chronic ear pain. It cleanses the ear, opens the ear canals and stops old ear pain.

Organs of the eye.
Its squeezed juice with honey is used to sharpen vision.

Respiratory system.
It clears the chest and lungs by causing expectoration.

Nutritional organs.
It opens blockages in the liver and spleen.

Eruption organs.
It brings down your period and cleanses your uterus.

Farasiyun with salt serves as a medicinal bandage for the bite of a rabid dog.