Fedorova Regulation

Fedor's provision is a term used in economics to refer to a special way of providing loans and other financial instruments. This method of financing is used not only for the production and development of new businesses, but also for improving the production process of existing enterprises. Fedorova's goal is to increase the competitiveness and profitability of companies through investing in their development.

The term Fedorov's position was introduced in Russia by economist Sergei Fedorov, who created the author's concept of sustainable development. This concept involves creating favorable conditions for innovative development and growth of companies. The main advantage of Fedorov's position is its ability to improve the productivity and quality of production in the company, which in turn leads to an increase in its profitability and profitability.

Fedorov's provision works as follows: the bank provides a loan that does not require any payment until the project begins to make a profit (renewal of assets). The loan can be used to improve equipment, purchase new technologies, develop new products or services, improve staff skills, etc. The bank receives interest on lending from the profit received by the company as a result of the project. If, in the event of a bad start, the company loses some or all of its profits, the bank has the right to withdraw from the loan without additional penalties or refunds.

The very terminology of “Fedorov’s Regulation” appeared thanks to the economist’s desire to improve the investment climate in the country. He dreamed of making Russian conditions favorable for investing in order to regain the trust of foreign investors. Bankers then for a long time