Paramedic Certificate of Death

Paramedic death certificates

After your request, I became familiar with what a “paramedic certificate” is and began to delve into the essence of the issue, I can help you!

A paramedic **death certificate** is an accounting document registering the fact of death and the cause of its occurrence, drawn up by a paramedic who certified the death. In Russia, it is universally recognized by law and is carried out in villages, in the absence of a medical specialist in the area who could draw up official documentation of the patient’s death. You can familiarize yourself with the Rules for filling out data on deaths based on medical documentation on the website of the Russian Ministry of Health.

In some cases, medical workers, other than paramedics, have the right to decide on the issue of death certificates or certificates. The procedures approved by the relevant order of the Federal Agency for Health Care (FAPZ) in the country look like this: a death certificate is issued by a doctor. The only exceptions are cases when it is not possible to take advantage of such an opportunity. When the doctor is absent, the death certificate is issued by a paramedic. They give her away