
Feresol is a medicine that is used to treat skin conditions such as papillomas, papillomas and condylomas. It contains a mixture of tricrerol and phenol, which are antiseptics. The drug is used in the form of a liquid that can be applied to the affected areas of the skin.

The drug has a number of contraindications. It should not be used on people who have nevi, if the affected area is larger than 20 square centimeters or if they are near the eyes. Also, you cannot use the drug if you are allergic to the phenolic component or if the patient has age restrictions: children under twelve years of age.

It should be borne in mind that Feresol may cause side effects, such as swelling of the tissue when treating areas near the eyes, and may also cause allergic reactions in some patients. It is also not recommended to mix the drug with other medications and use it before cosmetic procedures.

FERESOL should not be used to treat superficial condylomas; when treating this type of formation, metronidazole ointment can be used.