
Ferlatum is an effective drug for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Production – Italy

Ferlatum is a drug containing iron protein-succinylinate. It is used for oral administration by patients aged two years and older. The drug has passed all the necessary clinical studies, where it has shown high efficiency and safety in the treatment of iron deficiency conditions. And also prevent the development of iron deficiency conditions. This medicinal substance is a malt flavored syrup. Available in a 20 ml glass bottle. The concentration of the main substance in the contents of the bottle is 3.3 percent. The maximum period of application is six months, and in some cases it can last up to 84 months. Long-term use is allowed at a dosage of 30-40 milligrams per day. It will take from 2-3 weeks to one month to restore iron levels. This is followed by long-term stabilization of hemoglobin and serum iron levels at the required level. In case of overdose, drink several glasses of water; hospitalization may be required. The interval between taking the medicine and other medications is two hours. It is also recommended to refrain from eating or drink a glass of water before and after taking the medicine. Indications for ferlatum therapy: - clinical, latent iron deficiency; - iron deficiency anemia of various etiologies; - conditions with reduced iron content resulting from incest, macrotrauma, menorrhagia, surgical interventions (including surgical diseases of the gastrointestinal tract), blood loss in newborns, eating disorders, alcohol consumption, increased need for nicotinamide adenosine diphosphate (drug normalizes erythropoiesis);

Contraindications: hypersensitivity or intolerance to the composition of the drug; hemosiderosis; lead anemia, sideroachrestic anemia; megaloblastic anemia, caused by hypovitaminosis B12, hypophoovosis of vitamin B6; medical diseases, in the presence of ulcerative colitis, intestinal dysbiosis, chronic obstructive lesions of the esophagus, skin lesions in the subcutaneous tissue, which can cause mesenchymal fibrosis; decompensated cirrhosis of the liver. During pregnancy, if necessary, use increased single or daily dosages.

Side effects: in the initial period of taking large dosages of the drug, it causes a feeling of discomfort in the stomach, a temporary decrease in blood pressure, hypothermia develops, and diarrhea occurs. Immediately after stopping the use of ferlatum, these effects disappear.