Arteries Metatarsal Dorsal

The metatarsal dorsal artery is an arterial network located in the tarsal region of the foot, near the metatarsus, supplying blood to the calcaneal-phalangeal joints. This group of arteries includes:

* anterolateral dorsal artery of the foot - a. dorsalis pedis * posterior interosseous artery - a. interossea dorsalis * superficial dorsal arcuate artery - aa. metatarsi dorsales superiores; the latter is divided into two branches: superficial and deep, which is then divided into five more branches: * plantar arches - the arches branch in the deep layers of subcutaneous fatty tissue, immediately at the posteromedial surface of the foot they supply blood to the area of ​​the plantar aponeurosis and the calcaneus and form two arches - the transverse (superior) and vertical (inferior); arches connect about 40 vessels * lateral branch of the posterior interosseous artery - a. plantaris medialis accessoria - provides nutrition to the medial fibers of the plantar aponeumosis and proximal muscles of the plantar (mm. tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, halluces, extensor digitalis brevis)