
Festal is a drug that improves digestion and reduces gas formation in the intestines.


Festal contains pancreatin, an enzyme complex of the pancreas. Pancreatin promotes the digestion and absorption of food, reduces fermentation and gas formation in the intestines.


Festal is indicated for digestive disorders accompanied by bloating, heartburn, belching, and nausea. The drug is effective for chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis and other diseases of the pancreas.

Directions for use and doses

Festal is taken orally during meals or immediately after. The recommended dose for adults is 1-3 tablets at a time. The exact dosage is selected by the doctor individually. The drug is washed down with a small amount of water, the pills are swallowed whole without chewing. The course of treatment is usually 2-4 weeks.

Festal is an enzymatic drug that is used to improve digestion in cases of pancreatic dysfunction. The drug is recommended for use in cases where there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach or unpleasant gases, as well as when normal digestion is disrupted as a result of overeating, fatigue, poor nutrition or a change in food intake.