Fever Icteric Pernicious

Fever jaundice is a disease caused by a virus. Symptoms are painful and flu-like.

It is caused by P. heamolytica. The disease is common among pigeons. Birds usually tolerate the disease easily. Adult laying hens can get sick, but young ones will die from it.

Pathogenesis. After infection, changes occur in the egg similar to the symptoms of influenza: body temperature rises, the activity of muscle and genital organs decreases, and eye lesions develop.

In the initial stage of the disease, pigeons experience intestinal upset, vomiting, severe thirst and diarrhea. After a short period, the symptoms disappear,

Icteric perocytic fever, also called icteric fever, aphthous fever or carbunculous fever, is a type of acute fever that occurs in most cases after typhus, usually in the convalescent stage, but not always; characterized by irregular fever, fever and lower back pain.