
Fibroadenoma is a benign breast tumor that looks like a nodule, sometimes there may even be several nodules. There are two types of fibroadenomas:

* rounded fibroadenomas with a smooth surface - found mainly in the tissues of the middle part; * lobular fibroadenomas - are more often found in the upper or lower sections, can be softer and, unlike round ones, give a “sausage” or “capsule” sensation when palpated.

These tumors are small in size, from a few millimeters to three centimeters. Less commonly, fibroadenomas reach the size of an egg. However, they are easily distinguished from malignant tumors, since they are a growth that does not have roots. They can also progress over time, whereas malignant tumors grow very quickly.

Most often, fibroadenoma affects women during or after puberty (aged 15 to 45 years), but it can occur in patients of any age. It rarely occurs independently in men, but can occur as a result of metastasis of breast cancer.

Typically, women independently notice the appearance of a small nodule in the mammary gland. It doesn't hurt or bother you. However, sometimes tumors reach large sizes and may show signs of irritation (pain, burning, itching) or even rupture,

Fibroadenoma is the growth of breast tissue of a malignant and benign nature, consisting of epithelial, stromal and connective elements. The formation of phyllodes fibroadenoma is often confused with an adenoma, since benign and malignant tumors have similar symptoms. Some of them are difficult to distinguish at the initial stage. Both types of phylloids are capable of degeneration into malignant formations, so the patient is prescribed additional studies if the initial diagnosis shows the benign nature of the formation.


Philosarcoma is a rare form of fibroadenoma characterized by a malignant course. Its development occurs during the transformation of the phylloides from a benign tumor into a cancerous form. It is diagnosed in rare cases, which is associated with a rare transformation process from fibroadenomas