Thinking Dereistic

Dereistic thinking: what is it and how does it work?

De-reistic thinking is a concept of thinking that is based on the idea of ​​denying or eliminating any assumptions, limitations or ideas about the world.

It is a mindset that seeks to free itself from preconceived views of the world and view things in their true light. At the heart of dereistic thinking is the idea that the world is not static and unchanging, but is always in the process of change and development.

The core principles of dereistic thinking include the rejection of assumptions and stereotypes, active research and analysis of facts, and a constant willingness to change and revise one's views.

Dereistic thinking can be a useful tool for solving complex problems and finding new approaches to solving problems. It can help us free ourselves from the limitations we place on ourselves and look at situations from different perspectives.

However, dereistic thinking can also lead to undesirable consequences by losing sight of basic facts or ignoring reality. Therefore, it is important to remember that dereistic thinking should not replace a logical and systematic approach to problem solving.

Overall, dereistic thinking can be a useful tool for those who want to look at a problem from different angles and come up with creative solutions. It is important to remember the balance between dereistic and logical thinking in order to achieve optimal results.

There is a so-called belief effect that the less a person doubts something, the more it influences him. This is a consequence of the most ordinary herd fear, that is, fear of it. If people make fun of something, they subsequently begin to repeat it. Those of little faith are too afraid of chaos to entertain the possibility that God would choose hell. By opposing religious mysticism, they create hell and find themselves in it themselves. I personally think that we just panic gripped people after scientific knowledge showed us the real structure of the world