Filers in cosmetology what is it photo

The craze for improving appearance has led to the emergence of a large number of general misconceptions in the field of cosmetology. Contour plastic stands apart, around which there are a lot of myths and legends. We tell you everything we know about fillers in order to finally understand the latest trend in cosmetology.

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Dermal fillers are gel fillers that are used by cosmetologists to correct minor defects and allow you to replenish the volume of soft tissues of the face without surgical intervention.

With the help of fillers, cosmetologists even out the relief and tone of the skin, change the volume and shape of the lips, eliminate bags under the eyes, and give a clearer contour to the oval of the face, making it look “rested” and rejuvenated.

Fillers are often confused with Botox injections, but there are significant differences between them. Botox (or botulinum toxin) is injected to weaken the facial muscles, thereby smoothing out facial wrinkles. With the help of fillers, cosmetologists fill in wrinkles and folds.

There are three types of fillers: permanent, temporary and prolonged, that is, designed for a maximum of 2 years. Long-lasting fillers are designed for 5 years of service and consist of preserved donor acellular skin matrix or polylactic acid. Temporary fillers are active for 4-15 months and can contain stabilized hyaluronic acid of non-animal or animal origin or combination gels.

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Fillers are classified into biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Biodegradable gels are absorbed over time under the skin due to metabolic reactions in tissues and, in turn, are divided into slowly absorbable compounds.

Non-biodegradable compounds are not susceptible to any influence even after a long period of time, so recently they are practically not used legally anywhere. Non-absorbable fillers include biopolymers, silicone or polyacrylamide gels.

It is much safer to use absorbable fillers, since the use of non-absorbable fillers significantly increases the risk of complications during the procedure.

Fillers can be based on hyaluronic acid or collagen. The latter are made from bovine or human collagen, and the slowly absorbing compounds leave the body over several years.

A separate type of gels are autologous preparations, extracted from the patient’s own adipose tissue.

The preparations also differ in density. On average, the density of the gel varies between 16-25 g of the substance. The need to use compounds of different densities is associated with the uneven distribution of fatty tissue on the face, as well as with the different structure of individual zones.

Experts recommend choosing fillers that were produced in Sweden, Switzerland, France and the USA.

With age, the volume of facial tissue decreases due to the gradual elimination of the fat layer. In such cases, fillers are a real salvation for middle-aged women, returning the girlish swelling to the face. However, young skin also needs correction with fillers. Each of us is susceptible to the influence of poor ecology, bad habits, negative emotions, and lack of sleep.

Indications for the use of fillers are:

  1. sagging skin;
  2. dark circles under the eyes;
  3. pronounced nasolabial folds or nasolacrimal grooves;
  4. drooping corners of the mouth and eyes;
  5. facial asymmetry.

In addition, with the help of fillers, you can change the shape of the nose, enlarge the lips, chin, cheekbones and generally give the image a more aesthetic appearance.

Depending on the pain threshold, the procedure causes sensations of varying degrees of reaction, but in general the process is painless. Some gels contain lidocaine, thanks to which the patient does not even feel the injection. The introduction of fillers can be combined with other procedures aimed at combating signs of aging.

According to expert assessment, mesotherapy, biorevitalization and alter therapy “coexist” well with fillers. However, only an experienced specialist can combine injection procedures.

The full effect after injections can be assessed only a couple of weeks after the procedure. Despite the fact that filler injections are not a course program, cosmetologists perform corrections at any time after the rehabilitation period, which lasts on average two weeks.

What to do if the result does not satisfy the patient and it is necessary to urgently remove fillers from the body? In such cases, cosmetologists offer the following plan of action: taking medications that speed up metabolism; physiotherapy procedures affecting lymphatic flows; exercises involving the area into which the drug was injected.

During the rehabilitation period, patients are contraindicated from frequently touching their face with their hands or wearing makeup to allow the skin to recover. Sometimes, in order to distribute the gel more optimally, doctors suggest a massage. For 2-3 weeks after the procedure, it is better for the patient to avoid visiting the sauna and bathhouse, since any heat or light exposure helps remove the gel from the body. In addition, to avoid hematomas, you should not take medications that thin the blood.

In cosmetology, new assistants have appeared in the fight for young and beautiful skin - fillers. These injections can solve many cosmetic problems; they come in different types, so they are selected strictly according to individual indicators.

What are facial fillers and their effect on the skin?

Facial fillers are non-toxic cosmetics that are injected under the skin to varying depths and temporarily smooth out (the effect can last more than a year) fine and deep wrinkles, folds, and acne scars. The name comes from the English word “fill” with the meaning “to fill, fill.”

Fillers can also fill out sunken, sagging areas of the face (as well as the back of the hands). They are used to “volume”, rounding and lifting the cheeks, chin, cheekbones and temples, filling out thin lips and emphasizing their contour.

Fillers fill sunken areas, wrinkles and folds approximately 30 minutes after injection, and the result remains visible on the face for 4 months to a year or even more.


Here are the main areas of the face where fillers are most effective:

  1. folds (wrinkles) running from the nose to the mouth (nasolabial folds);
  2. folds running from the mouth to the chin;
  3. wrinkles above the upper lip;
  4. wrinkles between the eyebrows (appearing from a frown);
  5. lips (to add volume and better definition);
  6. restoration of the volume of the cheekbones, chin and cheeks, changing their shape;
  7. in some situations, the area under the eyes;
  8. acne scars on the face;
  9. wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes.

In addition to fillers introduced into the skin by injection, cream-fillers for traditional use and cream-fillers for instant action have been developed.

Facial fillers have such an effective effect on the skin that a person can look much younger than his age. It also helps to get rid of many psychological problems.

Are fillers harmful to the face: indications and contraindications for use

Experts recommend taking a responsible approach to choosing the type of facial filler and strictly following certain rules before and after injections.

A properly selected facial filler will improve the health of your skin and help restore its freshness and elasticity without causing complications.

It is important to remember that you should not resort to injectable facial fillers if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Such injections are unacceptable, since fillers have not been tested for safety during these periods of a woman’s life.

If there have been cases of herpes in the lip area, then injections can provoke an outbreak of this disease. You should first purchase the necessary medications.

Almost all injectable fillers against wrinkles and folds can cause negative side effects of varying degrees of complexity:

  1. there is a risk of an allergic reaction;
  2. Facial fillers can form nodules or tiny bumps under the skin, which in rare cases require surgery (and in some such cases, these bumps may be permanent);
  1. sometimes a change in skin color occurs, known as the Tyndall effect: the skin takes on a bluish tint, and this color change can persist for several months;
  2. in very rare cases, violations during the filler injection procedure can lead to the death of skin cells;
  3. several cases of blindness and nerve palsy have also been reported;
  4. those suffering from hemophilia should be extremely careful and consult a specialist;
  5. redness, swelling and bruising at the injection site.

To reduce the risk of bruising and swelling, you should refrain from:

  1. taking aspirin and other blood thinners a week before injections and for two days after injections;
  2. taking vitamin E 2-3 days before and after injections;
  3. exercise (except walking) for 24 hours after the injection procedure.

In general, longer lasting fillers have a higher likelihood of negative side effects.

What types of facial fillers are there?

The products under consideration differ in composition; they may be based on synthetic components, collagen, fat, hyaluronic acid.


This category includes a series of fillers that are manufactured in a laboratory and are substances other than those found in human skin.

The advantage of synthetic fillers is their long-lasting results, since they do not decompose in the body, but remain there almost forever.

Negative side effects may include: redness, swelling and bruising at the injection site, nodules or lumps under the skin, which in rare cases require surgery. Unfortunately, this category of fillers is not always compatible with the surrounding tissue of the body and there may be complications.

Scientists have created the first fillers from a purified form of collagen obtained mainly from cows. Despite the fact that these fillers gave a good result that looked natural, they had a significant drawback - the rejuvenation effect did not last long.

In general, the results of the injections lasted no more than one month. Since collagen fillers are of animal origin, they can cause allergic reactions and require prior allergy testing. Side effects, in addition to allergic reactions, also include redness and bruising at the injection site.

But new ways of processing collagen have helped reduce the risks associated with allergic reactions. What's more, new forms of synthetic collagen are making injections safer and more effective for a wider range of people. Although the effect is short-lived, many believe that it looks more natural when compared to the effects of other categories of fillers.

Fat is the most commonly used type of filler in this category. A person's own fat, located on the thighs, abdomen or buttocks, is the material for injection.

Fat is surgically removed, processed and then injected as filler. Both procedures (selection and injection) can be done in one visit. Additional fat purification in the laboratory can be costly and time-consuming. The results of fat injections tend to remain the same for a very long time.

Platelet-rich plasma injections (called “Vampire facelift”) - another common autologous method. Blood is taken from the arm, processed, and then injections are made on the face. The effect can last from a year to a year and a half.

Risks of using this type of filler include bruising, redness and swelling at the injection site.

Many consumers know what hyaluronic acid facial fillers are, as they are the most popular.

Hyaluric acid is a naturally occurring sucrose that can be found in the skin and has a joint lubricating effect. It performs the functions of absorbing water, supplying nutrients and acting as a shock-absorbing agent.

Therefore, when the acid is injected under the skin, it acts like a sponge and expands in volume, filling in wrinkles and folds, as well as supporting sunken, sunken areas. The extra moisture drawn to the surface of the skin gives it freshness and radiance, making it supple and soft.

These injections stimulate abundant collagen production, which further tightens the skin and reduces wrinkles.

Side effects are rare and manifest themselves in the form of redness, swelling and bruising at the injection site. Filler may also appear as small subcutaneous bumps, which very often disappear over time.

The result lasts from several months to a year and even two years.

Review of effective fillers

Cosmetologists usually use only proven brands of fillers, so the most popular are: RESTYLANE, JUVEDERM, SURGIDERM, RADIESS and Perlane.

This filler is a sterile gel created in the laboratory and containing cross-linked hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin.


It does not contain human or animal DNA and is highly safe. "Rectylane has proven itself to be effective in injections against nasolabial folds and other unwanted skin changes.

Results are visible immediately after injections, but it may take several days for the final appearance to develop, which is much better after just one to two days.

Depending on the area of ​​the face treated, skin type and injection technique, results can last 4-6 months.

For injections in the nasolabial area, the contents of 1-2 syringes will be required. The procedure is quite expensive.

This filler is based on cross-linked hyaluronic acid. Compared to other fillers based on the same component, Perlane has a higher density and higher molecular weight.

Perlane is intended for injection into the deeper layers of the skin to correct deep wrinkles and folds.

It is best to use Perlane for those areas of the face where a thicker filler is required - for example, in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds or to add volume to the cheeks.

It is important to know that you should not inject Perlane into your lips, as its thick consistency can cause clumping.

Perlane remains in the skin for 6 months - 1 year or more, depending on the natural activity of the body when breaking down the filler. Experts recommend doing maintenance injections every year. Over time, smaller doses of filler are required and the body produces sufficient collagen.

What Juvederm facial fillers are is well known not only among cosmetologists, but also among ordinary people.



The Juvederm filler series is created in the laboratory based on hyaluronic acid. Fillers in this series have different targets:

  1. deep injections into the cheek area to correct age-related volume loss;
  2. injections to fill folds and wrinkles of medium and deep depth;
  3. injections into the lips and perioral area to increase the volume of the lips and correct their outline.

It is important to knowthat do not use products in this series if there is a history of severe allergic reactions or if you are allergic to lidocaine and the protein of gram-positive bacteria used in Juvederm fillers.

The latest achievements in aesthetic medicine are embodied in the Surgiderm series of fillers. The production of this series (manufactured by Allergan, USA) is based on the so-called “3D matrix technology using hyaluronic acid”.



At its core, Surgiderm is stabilized hyaluronic acid with cross-links of artificial origin. Produced by bacterial fermentation from streptococcal bacteria.

An innovative manufacturing technique makes it possible to create the most flexible and advanced fillers based on hyaluronic acid. They take root naturally, are perfectly compatible with the surrounding facial tissue and are not rejected by it. As a result, allergic reactions are excluded and there is no need to do a preliminary test.

Different fillers in this series have different tasks:

  1. elimination of small wrinkles;
  2. elimination of deep wrinkles and folds;
  3. increasing lip volume and improving their shape;
  4. changing the contour of the face, the shape of the nose, cheekbones and chin, etc.

Calcium hydroxyapatite (essentially a constituent of bones and cartilage) in an injectable creamy form.

It is assumed that the cosmetic effect when using this filler should last longer than when using fillers based on hyaluronic acid, but this is often not confirmed in practice. Radiesse is thicker than hyaluronic acid and can be more effective where additional volume is needed.

There is a tendency to complications in the form of subcutaneous irregularities. However, in certain situations it may be the best option.

Contour plastic – face lift with fillers: features of the procedure, its results

Facelift with fillers is a gentle method of correcting the shape of the face, cheekbones and lips, as well as removing wrinkles by introducing fillers mainly based on hyaluronic acid. In addition, this procedure provokes the growth of new skin cells and their regeneration.


An experienced cosmetologist will be able to answer the question of what fillers are.

15-20 years ago, a facelift could only be done with the help of plastic surgeons; they did not know what facial fillers were. Currently, facelifts using fillers have become very popular.

This procedure has a number of advantages compared to plastic surgery. A facelift does not require much time, and there is no need to put off important matters. You can return to your duties on the same day. After this procedure, there is no need for a recovery period with serious restrictions. You just need to follow simple rules for a while.

The most important disadvantage of lifting with fillers is the short-lived results achieved - a maximum of 1-2 years. Unfortunately, fillers dissolve and the skin returns to its previous state. But research continues, the composition of fillers is improved, innovative formulas are introduced, and scientists’ forecasts are optimistic.

The filler injection procedure itself is quick and uncomplicated if it is carried out by professionals in medical institutions specializing in this field.

The filler in the form of a gel is injected with syringes into various layers of the skin. This method is low traumatic and takes about half an hour. As a rule, new generation fillers contain the anesthetic lidocaine and do not require additional manipulations with anesthesia.

A positive result is visible immediately after the procedure, but possible redness and some swelling at the injection sites do not allow us to see the full picture of the improvement in skin condition. As a rule, only after a few days can you see a completely renewed face.

Cream-fillers for the face: an alternative to salon procedures

Consumers know what injectable facial fillers are. There is a huge selection of injectable fillers that have a high degree of effectiveness. But not everyone has the opportunity to use the expensive services of salons that offer a wide variety of these anti-aging products.

Fortunately, there is an excellent alternative in the form of filler creams, which are commercially available and can be used independently, just like traditional familiar creams. They are less effective, but can significantly help in the fight against wrinkles. Their regular use smooths out wrinkles and improves facial contours.

Consumers also appreciated the convenience of using such facial fillers, which act briefly and instantly, making everyday life easier. They are applied under makeup, filling wrinkles and making the face look younger.

Review of facial filler creams

Among filler creams, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to brands such as Libriderm, Biotherm, Matis, Dior.

"3D Hyaluronic filler."


New generation anti-aging fillers (day and night filler cream) without injections. Moisturizes and fills wrinkles.

When making filler Dior Capture Totale R60/80 An amazing innovative formula is used.


The composition creates silicone microparticles that can fill wrinkles of varying depths on the face.

The French Pyrenees have always been famous for its hot springs, which are called the “springs of youth”.

Nowadays, Biotherm biologists have finally revealed the secret - the plankton living in them (microscopic organisms) endows these sources with regenerative abilities.

Biotherm has developed a series of cosmetics enriched with thermal plankton. Among them are cream fillers based on this component.

Matis Reponse Corrective Instant Filler. This is a concentrated facial filler cream that smoothes out wrinkles and folds with every application.



It belongs to a new generation of cosmetics, giving instant results (albeit short-term results), filling expression lines and other wrinkles noticeable on the face.


Regardless of which facial fillers are chosen, it must be remembered that the effectiveness of such products depends on the correct use of them. You need to read the instructions for their use and consult a specialist.

To achieve the best effect, it is advisable to use different fillers for different areas of the face. If you follow all the rules and instructions, the results will only be positive.

Author: Khomyakova O.Yu.

Videos about facial fillers

A cosmetologist will tell you what facial fillers are:

Facial correction using fillers:

Over the past decade, they have literally revolutionized aesthetic medicine, postponing the need for plastic surgery for many years. It is not surprising that filler plastic surgery has quickly gained significant popularity among patients all over the world.

The new trend has not gone unnoticed among manufacturers of cosmetic products. Currently, it is difficult to find a pharmaceutical concern that is not involved in their production. Every year more and more new drugs with improved formulas and characteristics appear on the market. What are the possibilities of fillers in cosmetology?

Correction with fillers - a new era in cosmetology

Contour plastic surgery, or filler plastic surgery, refers to a number of relatively new techniques for filling wrinkles and creating volume in the soft tissues of the face with dense, thick preparations with a gel structure. Its appearance marked a fundamentally new stage in the development of cosmetology. Today, the success of a salon or clinic largely depends on the availability of this type of service in the price list. Correction with fillers allows you to non-surgically get rid of fine wrinkles, significantly reduce the visible manifestations of deep folds, lift tissues and even out the skin texture. After the introduction of hyaluronic filler, the quality of the skin structure also improves.

Modern drugs have nothing in common with synthetic gels, popular at the end of the last century and causing many adverse reactions in the form of edema, inflammatory reactions with suppuration and dense tissue fibrosis. These products are completely biocompatible with the human body and are biodegradable, i.e. are removed from it on their own, gradually decomposing.

Filler correction is used:

  1. for smoothing out deep skin wrinkles: age-related dermal wrinkles, nasolabial folds and creases in the eyebrow area;
  2. with loss of skin tone, blurred facial oval:
  3. to change the shape and volume of the lips;
  4. for injection blepharoplasty;
  5. for post-acne and stretch marks;
  6. to eliminate involutional changes in the décolleté and neck area, on the hands;
  7. to give the desired volumes and features (changing the shape of the cheekbones and chin, sagging earlobes, intimate plastic surgery, etc.).

Methods of contouring are distinguished depending on the tasks performed:

  1. bioreinforcement (skin strengthening);
  2. volumetric correction (volumetric modeling of facial tissues, 3D modeling);
  3. linear filling (smoothing out wrinkles).

Facial fillers - how to use?

Cosmetology knows several types of facial aging. However, there are the most striking signs of involutional changes that are characteristic of most people.

  1. wrinkles as a result of skin stretching;
  2. the release of the nasolacrimal and the appearance of the buccal-zygomatic groove;
  3. manifestation of nasolabial sweetness;
  4. thinning lips;
  5. sunken eyes, sunken chin;
  6. loss of clarity of contours.

After the administration of drugs, these problems are solved for a period of six months to 2 years. Plastic surgery with fillers works best in cases of gravitational type of aging, which is difficult to correct with aesthetic programs. It easily eliminates its main manifestations: flattening of the face and drooping tissue with the formation of deep folds.

Bioreinforcement is a method of intradermal injection of fillers using a special technique. Its goal is to create a dense mesh of the drug over the entire surface of the face. The skin strengthened in this way is tightened, over time a framework of connective tissue is formed in the area of ​​microdamage, and the production of autogenous collagen and elastin is stimulated.

Volumetric correction with facial fillers is designed to recreate lost volumes and create desired volumes. The method is used to give definition to the cheekbones, shape the expression of the cheeks and chin, etc. In order to reduce the risk of tissue trauma, special cannulas are used. They help distribute the volume of the drug and delicately introduce filler under the eyes, prevent swelling and hematomas, and reduce the recovery time after the procedure.

The aesthetic result of introducing fillers is 10-15 years of rejuvenation. To obtain the effect of a natural face, it is advisable for the patient to bring photographs of himself in his youth, taken from different angles. This will make it easier for the cosmetologist to determine the amount of correction.

The main reason for the formation of nasolabial folds is chronoaging. No one can avoid their appearance. A decrease in the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the skin leads to degradation of collagen and elastin, as a result, turgor and elasticity are lost, and tissue sagging is observed. Age-related changes in the facial muscles also cause them to weaken, stretch, and ultimately form a deep sweet spot leading from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. These creases become most noticeable after 35.

Individual reasons for the formation of nasolabial folds include:

  1. structural features of facial tissues;
  2. high activity and hypertonicity of facial muscles in this area;
  3. aggressive influence of the external environment;
  4. internal reasons: diseases, metabolic disorders, non-compliance with healthy lifestyle recommendations, bad habits.

In such cases, the formation of nasolabial folds occurs at an earlier age, after 20 years. Most often, formations are found in those with massive cheekbones and pronounced Bisha's lumps with age-related depletion of the fat layer.

Nasolabial folds cannot be corrected using conventional non-injection cosmetology methods. Aesthetic treatments, peelings, and hardware rejuvenation receive high marks in the first stages of crease formation. They provide short-term results by reducing skin volume and lightly tightening it.

Fillers into the nasolabial folds are the only non-surgical method for 100% correction of this aesthetic defect. The drug is poured along the wrinkle and fills the resulting voids inside, creating an external effect of skin tension. At the same time, the early start of correction will provide a more pronounced and prolonged effect. The type of filler and method of contouring are selected in each individual case, taking into account the severity of the crease, skin characteristics and type of aging.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty is one of the most popular areas of contouring in cosmetology.

The method allows non-surgical resolution of such aesthetic defects as:

  1. drooping and drooping upper eyelids;
  2. the presence of dark circles and swelling on the lower eyelids;
  3. severity of the nasolacrimal groove;
  4. wrinkles and local fat deposits in the periorbital area;
  5. changes in the contour of the eyelids due to trauma and chronoaging.

In some cases, these deficiencies can be caused by a certain anatomical structure and observed at an early age. This method of correction is especially popular in the initial stages of changes, when there are no indications for surgery yet. The introduction of filler into the periorbital area allows you to smooth the surface of the skin around the eyes, correct the contour of the eyelids and reduce the visibility of the capillary network. Giluronic acid spreads evenly, fills voids and causes the production of its own active substances in the dermis.

To achieve the desired results, certain precautions should be observed:

  1. For eyelid contouring, choose exclusively plastic fillers that are suitable for correcting this area;
  2. Do not inject fillers under the eyes of persons with a tendency to increased swelling of the periorbital area, because you can get the opposite effect;
  3. Carefully choose the injection site and dose of the drug, because Filler inserted incorrectly under the eyes can block the lymph flow or cause vascular embolism.

Lip augmentation with fillers is not only due to fashion trends. A decrease in volume and the formation of purse-string folds along the contour of the lips is a striking feature of chrono- and photoaging. In the latter case, the defect can be noted already at the age of 30 and significantly spoil the overall impression of the appearance.

The most common reasons for lip augmentation with fillers:

  1. Age-related changes: drooping corners, purse-string wrinkles;
  2. Features of the anatomical structure: thin narrow lips, asymmetry of the red border;
  3. Acquired imbalance due to injuries and operations;
  4. Loss of volume, cracks and folds due to lack of moisture in the skin.

Hyaluronic fillers are used to enhance lips. The polysaccharide, natural to the body, is evenly distributed at the injection sites and binds collagen fibers to each other, creates volume and smoothes the surface. Lips after filler become more elastic and moisturized. When correcting involutional changes in this area to achieve a natural result, it is also advisable to focus on a photograph of the patient in his youth.

Which filler should I choose for contouring?

It can be difficult for novice cosmetologists and their clients to figure out which filler to choose for contouring, because... The variety of drugs and their manufacturers confuses even experienced specialists. Today there are several types of popular drugs for aesthetic facial correction.

Based on lactic acid polymer

Recreation of volume and creation of a holding frame due to the occurrence of tissue fibrosis.

The risk of uneven fibrosis or the formation of rough compactions/strands requiring hormonal or surgical correction. Allergic reactions are possible. Not suitable for superficial correction. It is prohibited for placement in the periorbital region, because can cause swelling even 1.5-2 years after administration. Contraindicated in persons with a tendency to keloid and hypertrophic scar formations.

Based on calcium hydroxylapatite

Strengthening the connective tissue framework.

Frequent need for correction after placement due to unevenness, long term of action, up to 1.5-2 years.

Based on animal collagen

The active substance, reacting with polysaccharides, stimulates the formation of new autocollagen.

Rapid elimination of the drug, which is why it has to be initially administered in large quantities, which makes it difficult to correct the underlying problem. Short-term effect (3-4 months), possible formation of granulomas and allergic reactions

Based on your own adipose tissue

Introduction into the structure of the hypodermis, creating natural volume

Risk of rejection, high probability of adjustment, results may disappear with weight loss. Valid for up to 3 years.

Based on non-animal hyaluronic acid

Stage 1 — formation of a frame from filler threads or linear filling of deep wrinkles, achieving a lifting effect.
Stage 2 — gradual release of hyaluronic acid molecules, activation of the components of the intercellular matrix, true lifting.

The most physiological, does not cause rejection or allergic reactions. If administered excessively or unprofessionally, it is easily destroyed by injections of hyaluronidase. The duration of the effect is 6-12 months.

The low risk of side effects, high plasticity and the ability to use in any area of ​​the face have made hyaluronic fillers the most popular among cosmetologists and their patients. Cases of rejection of hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin are rare in tens of thousands of uses, and the risk of other side effects is also minimal. Being inside the skin, the drugs stimulate rejuvenation processes, so newly formed wrinkles become less pronounced each time, and the duration of the injection increases.

What is the basis for choosing the best fillers?

The concept of the best fillers is always individual. Often manufacturers under one brand offer several options that differ in the degree of viscosity and plasticity. The choice of drug according to the type and concentration of the active substance depends on the area of ​​application, the individual condition of the problem being solved, skin type and age of the client.

The main danger of contouring is the use of an expired drug, an analogue or a counterfeit. For complete confidence in quality, it is recommended to cooperate with large, well-known companies that are official distributors of global manufacturers of the best fillers and consumables for contouring. Modern sales technologies in cosmetology are designed to provide full information support and training opportunities on working with purchased products.