Exercises to enlarge eyes before and after

A set of exercises, developed by cosmetologist from California Carol Maggio, not only smoothes out age-related wrinkles and folds, but also helps change the shape of the face, the shape of the nose, cheeks, improve the condition of the skin and complexion...

This exercise, like the previous one, strengthens the annular muscle of the eye and lower eyelids

By practicing these exercises daily, you will show persistence, and you will soon find that your face has acquired liveliness and expressiveness, and after several months of training you will begin to look five to ten years younger.

For six to eight weeks, as you master the exercises, perform them twice a day: the first time immediately after waking up, the second time in the evening. You won’t need a lot of time: if you do each exercise once (and no more is required for now), then the entire gymnastics will take approximately eleven minutes. Well, if you are very busy, you can choose a lighter version of the exercises, designed specifically for those who are always in a hurry. By the way, they can be performed on the way to work, in the office, and in the store.

General recommendations:

  1. 1. It is very important to perform gymnastics for the face, taking the correct starting position. Pull your stomach in, as if trying to press your navel to your spine, tighten your buttocks and the muscles in the front of your thighs. Stay in this pose until the end of the exercise - it will enhance the effect. In addition, many women claim that tightening these muscles helps reduce hip size.
  1. 2. If you feel a slight burning sensation in the muscles of your face, do not be alarmed. This is a good sign: it means the muscle is working correctly, with maximum efficiency.
  1. 3.Imagination plays a huge role when performing exercises. When performing the complex, imagine a flow of energy directed at the muscles being trained. Imagine how, under the influence of this flow, the muscles become stronger, become more prominent, changing the expression of your face. My concept of energy flow comes from the traditional concepts of Chinese medicine, according to which energy permeates the entire body, passing through certain points and meridians. Try to always focus on the muscle group being trained.
  1. 4.If you feel a lot of tension or pain in the muscles you are training, relax them. To achieve complete relaxation, purse your lips tightly and blow air through them. The lips should vibrate. If you do everything correctly, a sound similar to gurgling will occur. You need to “blow out” tension after each exercise.

Exercise to enlarge your eyes.

With age, the muscles of the upper eyelid lose tone and hang over the eyes, visually making them smaller. The exercise trains the circular eye muscle, improves blood supply in this area, strengthens the upper and lower eyelids, and reduces swelling under the eyes. As a result, the eyes appear clearly defined and wide open, and the gaze acquires liveliness.

  1. Technique:
  2. This exercise is convenient to perform lying down or sitting. Place your middle fingers on your forehead between your eyebrows (above the bridge of your nose) and lightly press the pads of your fingers onto the skin. Expression wrinkles usually form in this place (especially in those who often frown). Hold your index fingers at the outer corners of the eyes (where crow's feet form) and lightly press the pads onto the skin. Direct your gaze upward, then squint tightly, lifting only the lower eyelid. You should feel muscle contractions in the outer corners of your eyes, similar to a beating. Alternate between squinting and relaxing 10 times in a row, each time noticing the “beating” of the muscles.
  3. The position of the fingers is the same. Squint your eyelids, then squeeze them tightly. Firmly tighten your buttocks and the muscles in the front of your thighs. Count to forty. All this time, the eyes should be tightly closed and the buttocks and thighs should be tense.

Exercise to strengthen the lower eyelids.

This exercise, like the previous one, strengthens the ring muscle of the eye and lower eyelids, and also reduces bags under the eyes.


  1. This exercise can be done sitting or lying down. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes, and your middle fingers on the inner corners. Apply gentle pressure to the skin with the pads. Look up. Squint your eyes tightly, pulling your lower eyelids towards your upper eyelids, which should remain motionless. Now relax. Alternately squint and relax ten times. When performed correctly, squeeze your eyelids tightly. Count to forty. Relax;
  2. continue to tense your lower eyelids, looking up as if you are thinking about something. Keep your buttocks and thighs tight. Count to forty, focusing on the “beating” of the muscles on the inside and outside of the eye. Then relax;

It is recommended to change the starting position (for example, do the exercise sitting in the morning and lying down in the evening) - this trains the muscles better. To prevent wrinkles from forming, do not forget to lightly press with your fingers on the outer and inner corners of the eyes.

Forehead exercise.

When performing this exercise, many facial muscles work, so it not only prevents the formation of facial wrinkles (they occur when the forehead is frowned), but also smoothes out existing ones. The exercise reduces the drooping of the upper eyelid that occurs with age or lack of muscle tone. In addition, it improves blood circulation in the forehead: by doing it, you will feel your thoughts clearer and it will be easier for you to concentrate.


  1. You can perform the exercise sitting or lying down (lying down is preferable). Place the index fingers of both hands in the middle of the forehead so that they follow the lines of the eyebrows. Pull your fingers down towards your eyebrows and hold them in this position. Look up. Now, pressing your fingers on your forehead, sharply, with a push, raise your eyebrows up. Then relax your muscles. Alternately raise your eyebrows and relax them ten times;
  2. the position of the fingers is the same. Raise your eyebrows and press the skin next to them with your fingers. Raise your eyebrows upward with pulsating movements until you feel tension or a burning sensation. Keep your eyebrows raised and use your fingers to press them down. Count to thirty, then relax and massage the center of your eyebrows in a circular motion. The muscles will rest and the effect of the exercise will increase.

To get rid of deep wrinkles, people who are accustomed to frowning should do this exercise not two, but three times a day. If you find it difficult to keep your fingers at the desired point, if they slip, place a cotton swab under your index finger.

An exercise that corrects the shape of the cheeks.

The elastic muscles of the cheeks give the face a pleasant roundness. By training them, you can lift and widen your cheeks, and at the same time get rid of sunken eyes. In addition, the orbicularis oris muscle is involved in this exercise.


  1. You can perform the exercise while sitting, lying down, and even in motion (preferably sitting). Mentally designate one point in the middle of the upper lip, another in the middle of the lower lip (the points are located strictly above each other). Opening your mouth, pull both points in opposite directions, stretching your mouth: it will take the shape of an oval. In this case, the upper lip should be pressed against the teeth. Place your index fingers along the upper border of each cheek, but do not press on the skin. Hold this position for a count of thirty;
  2. the fingers are positioned the same way. Smile at the corners of your mouth, then release them. When you smile, imagine that you are pushing energy under the muscles of your cheeks. Repeat this movement quickly thirty-five times. While doing the exercise, you should feel your cheeks moving. Every time you smile, tense your buttocks and thighs, and lowering the corners of your mouth, relax the muscles of your buttocks and thighs;

If you feel pain in the jaw area, it means you are doing the exercise incorrectly: only the upper lip pressed to the teeth should work, and not the jaw. To relieve pain, blow through tightly pursed lips.

Energizing your face.

This exercise is similar to the previous one, but there is a significant difference. When performing it, the quadratus upper lip muscle is worked and the imagination is used. If you do the exercise correctly, you can quickly get rid of the tense, worried look that your face acquires during the working day. In addition, exercise increases blood circulation, which improves complexion.

  1. The exercise can be performed sitting or lying down (preferably lying down). Mentally mark one point in the middle of the upper lip, another in the middle of the lower lip. Open your mouth, giving it an oval shape. Place your index fingers along the upper border of your cheeks without pressing on the skin. Smile at the corners of your mouth, then lower them. You should feel your cheeks moving under your fingers. Every time you smile, imagine that you are pushing the muscle up, under your cheek. Repeat the movement ten times. During the last, tenth smile, pull your upper lip away from your lower lip as far as possible. Imagine the cheeks moving up towards the ceiling on their own and then flying away like two balloons.
  2. Give your mouth an oval shape. Move your index fingers a short distance from your face, and then, without changing their position, lift them up to your forehead, then even higher. You should mentally imagine that, following them, the cheeks move towards the top of the head. Hold this position for a count of thirty. Look up all the time.
  3. Raise your arms above your head and lean your body back a little. Stretch your neck, lift your head up, look at the ceiling. Tighten your buttocks and thighs. Imagine that your cheeks are going up towards the top of your head. Stay in this position for a count of thirty.

If a persistent expression of fatigue or tension appears on your face, do the exercise not twice, but more often. After performing it, you may feel pain in the jaw area. To relieve pain, blow through closed lips.

that's what I'm talking about too. )

Lelechka, why, you come here. every day, I guess. and you say no one comes)

how to enlarge your eyes?
I'm already stretching

stretch, stretch! Maybe in a couple of months you’ll look like a Shar Pei! Dull skin near the eyes is very tender and cannot be stretched.

Eye enlargement exercise
Benefit: The eye enlargement exercise trains the orbicularis oculi muscle, the muscle that completely surrounds the eye. One of the most important muscles in our body, it opens and closes the eye. The exercise pumps blood into the entire eye area and strengthens the upper and lower eyelids. This exercise also reduces puffiness under the eyes, lifts the empty space, and as a result, the eye sockets widen.
The look becomes lively, the eyes seem wide open. How is this possible? Here are the facts. At your age, the muscles of the upper eyelid lose tone and hang over the eye sockets, occupying the eye area; the eyes appear smaller. By toning and lifting the upper and lower eyelids, you allow the eye socket to become more defined, resulting in a larger eye.
Execution technique
1. You can do this exercise lying down or sitting. Take your starting position. Place your middle fingers between your eyebrows, above the bridge of your nose. Place your index fingers, lightly pressing on the skin, at the outer corners of the eyes. Direct your gaze to the top of your head. Make a strong squinting movement with your lower eyelid upward. Feel the beating of the muscle on the outside of your eye. Squint your eyes in this manner and relax the muscle ten times in a row, each time focusing on the beating of the muscle.
2. Keep your eyes squinted and your eyelids squeezed tightly. In this case, the buttocks should be tense. Count to forty. While you are counting, it is very important to keep your eyes closed tightly and your buttocks tense.
Tip: Do the exercise twice a day. If you have deeply sunken eyes or suffer from severe puffiness under the eyes, do it three times a day. Apply gentle pressure with your middle fingers to the skin between your eyebrows. This prevents the eyebrows from frowning and forming wrinkles. Hold your index fingers at the outer corners of your eyes, pressing lightly on the skin to avoid creating folds.

Exercises to enlarge your eyes

The emphasis of the exercises is on creating resistance and tension. Repeat a comfortable number of times.

1) 2:13 minute. Place your fingers on your eyebrows and press them down. Through resistance, open your eyes wide. Then slowly roll your eyes up and look up.

2) 3:00 Slowly roll your eyes in a circle. One way and the other.

3) 3:35 minute. Place your fingers on the lower and upper eyelids. Open your eyes wide, stretching your eyes circularly. Through resistance, close your eyes.

4) 4:15 - Open your eyes wide. Blink between exercises.

5) 4:37 minute. Place your fingers on your lower eyelid, tilt your head back slightly and look at the top of your head. You can pull it down slightly with your fingers.

6) 5:34 minute. Use your fingers to fix the eyelashes on the upper eyelid, looking down as low as possible. Blink after exercise.

7) 6:00 minute. Fix the eyelashes on the lower eyelid. Trying to open your eyes. Blink.