Fillers for neck wrinkles


Why does the neck age so quickly?

The skin here is very thin, so over time it becomes more and more difficult for it to resist external negative influences. A small number of sebaceous glands - because of this, the skin on the neck is never oily - most often it is normal or dry, which means the withering processes in this area always begin earlier and are more intense. The muscles in the neck tend to weaken quickly. Without regular training, soft tissues sag and horizontal wrinkles, the so-called “rings of Venus,” appear. The low content of melanocytes makes the neck extremely susceptible to photoaging. Thus, the cervical area is initially predisposed to the appearance of wrinkles.

For whom this problem is also relevant, we suggest looking at personal experience in correcting the neck area using injection techniques.

Hello! My name is Irina and I’m quite over forty!

The bad news is that there is nothing you can do about this terrible passport fact. However, there is also good, simply excellent - in our time, everything can be “rejuvenated”! Well, literally. I started, as usual, with what is most visible - the face.


So, the face regularly receives the required portion of hyaluronic acid in different formats and other achievements of modern therapeutic cosmetology. And, according to the critical opinion of a plastic surgeon, it looks pretty decent. But here's the neck! The neck, in his own words, is “as if from some other woman.”


Yes, my neck is bad. Thin, with thin skin all my life. And rings like on a tree. And such a neck, even with a perfectly smooth, good-colored face, will give away all the secrets without any passport!


The plastic surgeon said: “only a semicircular lift will give us back a beautiful neck”! However, experienced cosmetologists at the Clinic on Komarova decided to argue with this. And we created our own non-surgical neck rejuvenation program. The first item was mesothreads. And they, of course, strengthened the skin “framework”. But, unfortunately, in my case personally this was not enough.


And the next stage was an interesting scheme: “filler” + Botox.” Each drug had to solve a specific problem in order to collectively produce a beautiful and visible result.


Volbella filler was injected through a cannula. I refused pain relief. The doctor was constantly interested in how I was feeling, but I was not in pain. Honestly.


As far as I understand, the task of a hyaluronic filler when placed in the neck is to fill the “failed” tissues in the cervical “rings” as much as possible, smooth and strengthen the skin.


As you know, all drugs based on hyaluronic acid have not only a prolonged effect (for a long period), but also a cumulative one. That is, I will see the maximum effect of the procedure a little later. In my case, this is in a month and a half.


But in fact (and this is always an incredibly pleasant part of procedures with hyaluronic acid-based products), a certain result and beauty are visible immediately!


The second point was botulinum toxin. At the Clinic they use Komarov with the now “classic” drug Botox. As cosmetologists say, they love it because “it is a proven, completely predictable, reliable and effective drug.”


You may ask, “why is Botox needed in the neck?” To be honest, this was not entirely clear to me either. After all, what does botulinum toxin do on the face? It blocks and disables the muscle from working, and we can no longer frown our eyes, wrinkle our forehead, and as a result, wrinkles are smoothed out. But it was not clear to me how Botox could improve the condition of the neck.


During the procedure, the doctor tells me everything in detail. It turns out that Botox solves the same problems in the neck: it disables unnecessary muscle hyperactivity. The doctor asks you to grimace a little, so you can clearly see where the muscles are most tense and unsightly straining the neck. Our task is to relax them and make the neck more tender and “calm.”


I was given several injections (again, by the way, I refused pain relief) on the side of the neck where the muscles can be felt. The needle was very thin and short, so everything went painlessly, in addition, the whole procedure took a few minutes.


Papules go away quite quickly after injections, I know this, so their presence does not bother me at all. Moreover, now, during the cold season, you can always cover your neck beautifully with a turtleneck, stole or scarf. I’m in a joyful mood, I’m looking forward to a beautiful result and an almost “new” young neck. All you have to do is be patient and wait a little!


I absolutely trust the cosmetologists of the Clinic on Komarova. I know for sure that if new products or innovative contouring techniques appear in the world in the field of aesthetic medicine, soon all this will be in this clinic. Checked!

So, although the maximum effect of the procedure will become visible in a few weeks, pleasant, beautiful changes are already evident!


In three weeks it will be New Year, and I will be able to wear an open dress))

Photo: Lena Quiet.


Since the skin on the neck has some peculiarities, and age-related degradation occurs approximately according to one very similar mechanism, in therapeutic cosmetology there are procedures that can be called real hits in rejuvenating the most vulnerable area of ​​the body: the neck. We will talk about them below.

Signs that it's time for you to rejuvenate your décolleté and neck

During the aging process, the following age-related changes are formed, which form the “old neck” marker:

- deepened rings of Venus, general atony of the skin, expressed in a variety of multiple wrinkles - “turtle neck”,

- sagging of the expanded subcutaneous muscle - turkey cords (this is the name of the pterodactyl fold that scared me),

- violations of the cervical-mental angle (cosmetologists call this parameter the angle of youth), accumulation of fat on the front surface of the neck and a double chin.

For the purpose of preventive therapy and to eliminate the initial signs of aging, general stimulation manipulations are suitable: courses of light peelings based on fruit acids that stimulate collagen synthesis, mesotherapy using vitamin complexes, hyaluronic acid and amino acids. Modeling massage also demonstrates good results in restoring tone.

At what age does the neck need rejuvenation?

Preventive measures, including superficial care, moisturizing, exercise, muscle exercises, light stimulation methods - mesotherapy, peelings - it is advisable to start early - from about 25 years of age.

In the future, correction should be carried out as manifestations of the age marker appear. Thanks to the fact that it is now possible to perform aesthetic correction of even the most minor signs of aging in fairly easy (in terms of rehabilitation and technical execution) ways, it has become possible to preserve her youth for a long time without surgery.

In other words, by regularly carrying out light cosmetic repairs, you can easily do without major ones. Literally 10 years ago, it was simply impossible to keep your neck young without a surgical lift at the age of 50-60! Now this is reality.

Comprehensive neck rejuvenation procedures


To get rid of the rings of Venus, use:

  1. biorevitalization using skin boosters (Restylane Vital, etc.),
  2. injections of light fillers to fill worsened skin folds (Restylane Juviderm Surgiderm, etc.),
  3. plasmolifting.

To help get rid of turkey strands:

  1. injections of b otox (or other botulinum toxins),
  2. exercises for the neck, back and chest muscles,
  3. mesothreads,
  4. threads with fixation - notches (Alitos, etc.) to secure the skin together with the platysma muscle in a taut state.

In the fight against turtle neck, you should pay attention to:

  1. fractional photothermolysis (Fraxel, etc.),
  2. plasmolifting (the combination of fractional photothermolysis and plasmolifting is especially effective),
  3. radio wave lifting (thermage, etc.),
  4. ultrasonic lifting (Altera, etc.).

To correct a double chin, use:

  1. injections of lipolytic drugs,
  2. radio wave lifting,
  3. ultrasonic lifting,
  4. thread lifting.

The combined approach, a universal principle of beauty medicine, is also indispensable for correcting age-related changes.

Liftings - procedures for neck rejuvenation


Radio wave lifting or RF lifting (Thermage, ReAction technology, etc.)

It is able to restore elasticity, strengthen and tighten tissues that have lost their tone. When a radiofrequency pulse is applied, loose and stretched connective tissue septa of subcutaneous fat and the skin itself contract.

The effect comes from a controlled (the penetration of radio waves is clearly regulated by a given program and the depth of influence is adjusted to the nearest millimeter) thermal effect, simply heating.

Targeted heating of the skin frame is caused by a temperature of 42 to 50 degrees. What’s interesting is that it is during this process that old connective tissue fibers are reduced and the production of new collagen and elastin is stimulated, followed by skin contraction. The effect increases over several months and lasts for about 2-3 years.

This technique, rejuvenation using plasma isolated from a person’s own blood, is indispensable for tissue restoration.

Plasmolifting uses the patient's own plasma, which is injected over the entire surface, including the chin area, the front and back surfaces.

The skin responds very well to this: turgor improves, fine wrinkles disappear, and noticeable lifting occurs.

To carry out plasma lifting, only 20 ml of the patient’s blood is required, from which the drug for injection is prepared using special equipment that allows concentrating in the resulting plasma the maximum amount of useful substances and, first of all, growth factors that promote rejuvenation.

The advantage of plasma lifting or PRP therapy over other methods is its absolute safety for human health, the absence of the risk of allergic reactions, and the complete biocompatibility of the administered drug with the human body.

The use of special high-tech disposable sterile kits guarantees absolute safety for the patient.

For neck rejuvenation, it is especially good to use a combination of fractional thermolysis with plasma lifting. These two procedures in combination greatly enhance the effect of cell renewal.

Ligature lifting for neck rejuvenation


It is worth tightening the neck with threads if there are already existing visual changes in this area in the form of an unclear cervical-mental angle (the angle of youth), developing “turkey bands” and sagging of the submandibular zone.

To achieve the result, threads are introduced over the entire surface, including the back, forming an invisible subcutaneous supporting frame that does not allow the tissue to sag.

Mesothreads, despite the fact that they gradually completely dissolve, have the ability to form their own connective tissue network around themselves, which is a natural rejuvenating and tightening factor.

A slight lifting effect from the strengthening procedure with mesothreads is observed immediately, but it reaches its maximum development within two months after the procedure - this is exactly the time it will take for the formation of your own collagen in response to the implantation of threads.

Reinforcement with mesothreads allows you to maintain the result from 2 to 5 years.

How quickly does ligature lifting begin to work?

When installing threads with clamps, the tightening effect occurs instantly. Although for complete beauty without swelling, bruising and complete redistribution of the tissues of the chin area and the front surface of the neck, it will take about two weeks. The results of the tightening last for up to two years or more.

Lifting with biothreads

Bioreinforcement, or biothreads, have a pronounced lifting effect.

In the process, thanks to the linear injection technique of introducing special stimulating preparations of hyaluronic acid with atraumatic cannula needles, the finest lines-threads are lined up in thin, uniform rows in the inner layers of the skin, forming a tightening frame.

Thanks to the powerful hyaluronic saturation of tissues, instant strengthening and tightening occurs, as well as deep natural hydration of thin and very flexible skin. On average, the lifting and tissue-filling effect lasts 1-2 years.

Laser treatments, Botox and fillers for neck rejuvenation


Fractional laser rejuvenation (fractional photothermolysis or Fraxel) is indispensable in the case of fine-wrinkled aging and severe sagging.

The essence of the rejuvenating effect of a “smart” laser beam is that it passes through the surface layer - the epidermis - and does not affect it at all (and this means that after this you can safely go out “in public” without fear of sidelong glances) , removes old and damaged cells, incompetent collagen that has lost its elasticity in the deep layers of the skin.

With the development of a conventional laser, when all layers are processed without leaving intact islands capable of giving rise to young tissue, it is difficult for the skin to recover naturally and beautifully.

Since only a fifth of the aged skin can be removed in one session, as a rule, five procedures are required to completely rejuvenate the neck.

Neck rejuvenation with Botox

Botox, the true king of therapeutic cosmetology, has also found its application in neck rejuvenation.

By weakening the exaggerated muscle tone of these strands with the help of the relaxing effect of botulinum toxin, we more evenly distribute tension on other muscles and thereby make its surface even and smooth.

Depending on the length of the unaesthetically contouring muscle “vein,” the drug is injected into 1-2-3 points equidistant from each other. As a rule, the administration of botulinum toxin is the final stage in the correction of age-related changes.

To rejuvenate your neck, try skinboosters

The name “skinbooster” itself means dermal filler. This indicates that the drugs of this series - Restylane Vital, Restylane Vital Light, etc. have a special microstructure of hyaluronic acid, which allows them to be administered intradermally.

Skinboosters “work” for about 6 months, like a real filler, unlike biorevitalizants, the purpose of which is not to cosmetically fill defects, but to stimulate it.

How to do neck rejuvenation: video

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Every woman should tenderly cherish not only the skin of her face, but also the neck area, and do not forget about the décolleté area. Neck wrinkles are horizontal lines, grooves and folds called “rings of Venus”. If you lower your chin and look in the mirror at your neck, you will definitely see them. The “blanching” technique in the correction of wrinkles with Belotero fillers is the most effective way to eliminate the “rings of Venus”. What is it and how the procedure is carried out, we will consider further!

The skin of the neck is very sensitive and thin, with a low content of sebaceous glands and a very fragile structure. There are very few lipids (fat) in this zone, which are essential in protecting against external aggressive factors of our environment. Improper neck skin care and excessive use of smartphones and computers in everyday life are fraught with the appearance of deep horizontal wrinkles - “Rings of Venus”. It is simply impossible to get rid of them on your own at home! The Beauty HUB editors recommend paying attention to a unique wrinkle filling technique - the “blanching” technique using the “smart” dermal filler Belotero Balance or Belotero Soft!

Kovaleva Natalya, dermatocosmetologist, anti-age therapist. A certified trainer of the Merz company for Radiesse and ultrasonic SMAS lifting Altera answered several of our questions about effective methods of neck rejuvenation.

How to deal with wrinkles on the neck? At what age do women begin to pay attention to them and seek the help of a specialist?

– To choose the right tactics to combat neck wrinkles, we need to establish the cause of their occurrence. The fact is that wrinkles can be on the neck almost from birth, and then this is genetically determined. The best tactic here is to fill wrinkles with a light filler based on hyaluronic acid. In my practice, I use drugs from the Belotero line - Belotero Balance or Belotero Soft. We can use fillers from a very young age, legally – from 18 years of age.

Is filling wrinkles in the neck area (“rings of Venus”) with Belotero Balance or Belotero Soft filler the optimal and only correction procedure? How long does the effect last?

– If we are dealing with age-related changes, when a woman complains not only about “rings of Venus”, or, as they are also called, retention wrinkles, but also about sagging skin and the appearance of vertical strands, then correct botulinum therapy will come first neck. Botulinum toxin-based drugs are administered, such as Xeomin or Botox. It is also important to work with the quality of the skin of the neck: moisturizing it using procedures such as biorevitalization, as well as stimulating the synthesis of collagen fibers using Radiesse using the Mesoradiesse technique, and only lastly, filling horizontal wrinkles with filler. The effect of filling the “rings of Venus” with Belotero Balance or Belotero Soft filler lasts from 6 to 9 months.

What is the “blanching” technique and can it be used with any other soft filler?

– The “blanching” or “blanching” technique is an intradermal injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, a very superficial introduction. To do this, you can only use fillers from the Belotero line - Belotero Soft and Belotero Balance. Only these fillers are produced using CPM technology, which allows them to literally “embed” into the skin and give an amazing natural result.

Let us note once again that the “blanching” technique should only be carried out using Belotero Balance or Belotero Soft! This is a line of dermal fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

Only Belotero Balance and Belotero Soft are officially registered and approved by the FDA in 2011 for intradermal administration, filling wrinkles and skin creases.

How is the procedure performed?

Before the procedure, application anesthesia is applied to the correction area. Before giving the injection, your doctor may use a marker to identify the areas where filler needs to be injected. Then the correction area is treated with an antiseptic solution, and the doctor begins the procedure.

The peculiarity of the “blanching” technique is the superficial injection of Belotero Balance and Belotero Soft. The doctor literally “sews” the wrinkle.

After the filler is injected, the correction area is gently massaged to distribute the drug evenly.

The entire procedure can take from 15 minutes to an hour.

After the procedure, you will be able to immediately return to your daily activities, you will not have to drop out of society.

Side effects of the blanching technique include mild swelling, bruising, and redness of the area being corrected. Bruising may also occur at the injection site. All this usually goes away on its own in about seven days.