Fimbrial Cyst

Fimbrial Cyst is a benign formation that is a simple cyst of the fimbria of the fallopian tube.

Fallopian tubes are paired organs of the female reproductive system that connect the ovaries to the uterus. At the end of each fallopian tube there are thread-like outgrowths - fimbriae. They help capture the egg during ovulation and transport it into the fallopian tube.

A fimbrial cyst is a cavity formation filled with clear or light yellow liquid. Typically, this cyst is located at the end of the fallopian tube and has a diameter of 1 to 5 cm.

The causes of fimbrial cysts are not completely clear. It is assumed that it can develop from the remains of the embryonic structures of the fallopian tube or form as a result of an inflammatory process.

In most cases, fimbrial cysts are asymptomatic and are detected accidentally during ultrasound examination. Sometimes it can manifest itself as nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Diagnosis is based on ultrasound data.

Treatment for fimbrial cysts is usually not required. Indications for surgical removal of a cyst are its larger size, symptoms of compression of surrounding structures, and suspicion of a malignant process.

Fimbrial cysts are one type of cyst that can occur in women of reproductive age. This cyst is a fluid-filled cavity that is located in the area of ​​the fimbria of the tube. It is not hazardous to health and does not require surgical intervention. However, if the cyst does not go away within a few months or causes discomfort, treatment may be required.

How does a cyst form? Cysts can form for a variety of reasons, including injury, infection, and inflammation in the fallopian tube area.

A fimbrial tube cyst (or fimbrial cyst) is a form of female ectopia in which there is abnormal development of the wall of the fallopian tube, resulting in the formation of a wide cavity filled with fluid. This disease can cause pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort during menstruation. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of fimbrial tube cysts. This knowledge can help women correctly assess their condition and avoid complications.

Causes of cyst formation The first reason for the formation of fimbreal cysts is anomalies in the development of the follicle of the fallopian tubes in the prenatal period, that is, at the time of embryogenesis. Genetic predisposition in the mother may also play a role. The lesion occurs as a concomitant phenomenon in some cases of chronic endometriosis or extragenital diseases. Disruption of the processes of separation of the outer cells of the egg affects this important organ of the female reproductive system, reducing its protective properties. Bacteria invade from the surface of the uterus, causing inflammation and exudation of exudate, all of which support pathological transformation in the growth of defective cells.

Symptoms of pathology Fimbrial cysts are characterized by a long-term course of the inflammatory process in the ovarian cavity with the subsequent formation of functional cavities-cysts or fimbriae. The disease is often asymptomatic, but if the pathology progresses, the following signs may appear: 1. Pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity 2. Dysmenorrhea - pain during menstruation 3. Profuse uterine discharge, which contributes to fluid retention in the body 4. Fluctuations in body temperature from low to high 5. Weakness and fatigue 6. Decreased appetite 7. General weight loss 8. The presence of a specific odor from the mouth.