Red color of urine in acute diseases

When the urine is red and at the same time liquid, this indicates, with favorable signs, an imminent crisis, and with the opposite signs, an imminent death. In general, the redness of the urine indicates a strong glow, and its wateriness with redness indicates in acute diseases a headache and confusion of mind. If red, thick urine in acute fevers comes out little and often and gives off a stench, this is a dangerous sign, since it indicates high fever, excitement and weakness of nature. When such urine comes out profusely and produces a lot of sediment, this indicates the cessation of the disease, especially with mixed fevers.

Urine of a purely bloody color in acute fevers is deadly, for it is a sign of significant overflow with blood with strong boiling, and here one can fear suffocation from the overflow of the cavities of the heart with blood, if the blood is directed to the heart, or sakta, if the blood is directed to the brain.

When the very red urine in fevers from exhaustion changes and becomes thick, and then a non-sedimentable copious impurity appears in it and a headache is observed, this indicates that the disease will be long-lasting, for matter is not subject to nature; therefore, it does not thicken at first, and having thickened, it does not quickly settle. However, the crisis is expressed in perspiration, because the matter is deviated towards the vessels.

This kind of urine is similar to urine caused by jaundice and differs from it in that it does not stain clothes. Generally speaking, urine that is red in substance and gives a red sediment indicates that the matter is immature and damp, and serves as a sign of a long-term illness, especially if the redness is not very strong, rather cloudy.

If the red urine changes during acute fevers and becomes white or black, this is not good, for whiteness indicates the rise of matter to the head, and blackness indicates an aggravation of the quality of the disease.