Finney Pyloroplasty

In our age, few people think about what operations were performed in childhood, or, conversely, what manipulations a person currently has

In our case, we have a Finney pyloroplasty operation.

Pyloroplasty is a surgical operation that is performed for congenital anomalies of the duodenum. It consists of shortening and expanding the distal digestive tract. In this section of the stomach, the loops of the jejunum are connected, which form it at the very top. The distal section connects to the aorta and diaphragm. Due to the fact that the loops are not connected tightly to each other, they cannot digest proteins normally and, as a result, nutrients are not absorbed, the patient begins to lose weight. These indicators are the main indications for surgical intervention. This treatment method is called "pyloroplasty" from the Latin. pylori - "bend". In modern medicine, pyloroplast is the name given to the area of ​​the stomach where it connects the loops with the jejunum. The diet itself for pyloroplasty initially implies the exclusion of spicy, salty, fried and fatty foods. This helps prevent possible complications of the operation. The surgical intervention is performed under general anesthesia and takes an average of 2 hours. The operation is performed laparoscopically. That is, abdominal surgery is not required for the operation to be performed. The operation itself takes place quite quickly. As a result, the patient is given a special drainage, which helps prevent possible complications. Also, in order to prevent recurrence of attacks of flatulence and diarrhea, meals should be plentiful, fractional and balanced. A special diet is selected where the amount of calories consumed is sufficient for a person.