First aid for concussion

Help is provided as for a head and spinal injury.
When someone hits their head and there are no signs or symptoms of a head injury, you should:
Figure 9-5. Stopping bleeding when the scalp is damaged
• provide assistance as usual
• keep the victim under observation
day, as complications may arise.
curl at any time;
• during the first 24 hours, wake up the victim
every 2-3 hours to check the level of consciousness
• in case of symptoms and signs of herbs
we head to provide first aid and call
you are "03";
• for any suspicion of a concussion
ku see a doctor.
Damage to the scalp
Bleeding when the scalp is damaged is usually stopped in the following way: place a napkin on the wound and, supporting it with your hand, secure it with a bandage or braid. Do this carefully because the possibility of a skull fracture cannot be ruled out. When you feel a depressed place on the skull, a soft area or a piece of bone, straight

Pressure should not be applied except in cases of severe bleeding. Call an ambulance immediately. Try to stop bleeding by applying direct pressure to the areas around the wound. Carefully examine the surface of the victim's head, because hair may cover the wound. If you are unable to determine how serious your injury is, call an ambulance.