First aid for head and spine injuries

These signs and symptoms, taken alone, do not always mean a serious head or spinal injury, but if you suspect one, you should call an ambulance.
If you suspect a head or spinal injury, follow basic first aid principles.
Head and spinal injuries pose a threat to the victim's life. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, provide first aid, which consists of doing the following:
• if possible, keep the victim's head and spine as still as possible;
• immobilize the victim's head with your hands
on both sides in the position in which you found it;
• maintain airway patency,
• monitor your level of consciousness and breathing;
• stop external bleeding if necessary;
• maintain normal body temperature of the victim;
• when the victim is wearing protective
helmet, don't take it off. Just take it off
in the case when the victim is not breathing and his
You can't perform artificial ventilation
Maintaining airway patency
While the victim is breathing, support his head and neck in the original position. If vomiting occurs, turn the victim onto their side to prevent airway obstruction. Have someone help you while supporting his head and neck in the original position. While the victim is unconscious, carefully roll him over to a stable position, trying to keep his head and neck on the same axis.