First aid for high fever

1. Help the victim accept
comfortable position (better put it in
2. Remove excess clothing and blankets.
3. Wipe the baby with room water
overtures (very cold water will be for the child
4. You can give the victim plenty of water.
or juice.
How to measure temperature with a regular mercury thermometer
1. Wipe the thermometer with alcohol.
2. Shake the thermometer until the mercury level is
below 35°C and check the type of graduation (on
example, 1 division equals 2 degrees).
3. Free the armpit from clothing and three
keep the thermometer there for 10 minutes.
When to see a doctor
. If the infant (less than 6 months) has a temperature of 39°C or higher.
. If the fever lasts more than 2 days.
. If a baby or child is known to have a fever that causes seizures.