First aid for respiratory arrest:

performing artificial ventilation of the lungs
for adults and children
Artificial ventilation involves blowing into the lungs of the victim to provide his body with the oxygen necessary to maintain life.
Artificial ventilation of the lungs is performed on victims when they are unable to breathe, but their pulse is still detectable.
You find a man lying motionless on the ground. Familiarize yourself with the scene to make sure there is no danger and find out what happened. If the location does not pose a threat, do an initial inspection first.
Determine whether the victim is conscious
• Ask loudly, “Do you need help?”
• Clap your hands.
• Squeeze the victim's trapezius muscle if it does not respond.
If the victim is unconscious: • Carefully roll the victim onto his back (only if necessary).
Open the airways (head back, chin up)
• Throw your head back and lift your chin. • For a child – gently lift the chin, pressing lightly on the forehead.
Check for breathing
• To detect breathing, use visual, auditory and tactile control for 5 seconds.
If the person is not breathing:
Take 2 full mouth-to-mouth breaths
• Keep your head down.
•Pinch the victim's nostrils. Tight
cover his mouth with your lips. • Give 2 full insufflations. • Watch your chest rise to
make sure air flows through
Check for a pulse:
t Feel the Adam's apple (Adam's apple). • Move your fingers into the grooves on the side of your neck that is closest to you. • Hold the pulse for 5-10 seconds.
If the victim's pulse is determined:
Call an ambulance
• Send someone to call an ambulance.
Continue mechanical ventilation
• Maintain airway patency by throwing the head back and lifting the chin.
• Pinch the victim's nostrils.
• For an adult: give 2 full blows every 5 seconds.
• For a child: give 1 full blow every 3 seconds.
• Watch the chest rise to ensure air is moving into the lungs.
• For an adult victim: continue the procedure for 1 minute, making 12 blows during this time.
Check for pulse and breathing every few minutes
• Feel your pulse and listen to your breathing for 10 seconds.
If the victim has a pulse but is still not breathing: • Continue artificial ventilation until emergency services arrive.
If the victim has a pulse and breathing
not defined:
• Begin CPR.
If the victim is determined to have
pulse and breathing:
• Place the patient in a stable position.
• Maintain a patent airway.
• Watch your breathing.
• If severe bleeding is detected, stop it.
If the ambulance has not yet been called, call “03” and wait for the team to arrive.