Fistula Purulent

A purulent fistula (pyocele) is a disease that is characterized by the formation of a canal in the abdominal cavity or other organ that is connected to the surface of the skin. The occurrence of this disease can be caused by various factors, including infections, injuries, gynecological diseases and other conditions.

Symptoms of a purulent fistula may vary depending on the location and cause of its formation. Typically, patients may feel pain, discomfort, or pressure in the area of ​​the fistula. There may also be purulent discharge from the wound, which may be green, yellow or brown.

The causes of purulent fistula can be injuries, infections, gynecological problems and some other conditions. For example, a pyocele can form as a result of surgery, when it becomes necessary to cut tissue to access internal organs. Also, similar diseases can form after childbirth, when damage to the uterus or cervix occurs.

Treatment of a purulent fistula often requires surgical intervention. The doctor will remove some of the damaged tissue and clean the wound to prevent further infection. However, if the cause of the fistula is located inside the abdominal cavity, then additional procedures may be required, such as rinsing with antibiotic solutions or draining the inside.

After surgery to treat a disease, it is important to follow all doctor’s instructions. This includes taking antibiotics, wearing special clothing or a bandage to control pus, as well as limiting exercise and avoiding injury. In some cases, longer treatment may be required, including physical therapy and special exercises to restore tissue.