Flail Chest

Flail Chest Cage

Flail Chest is a serious chest condition in which the edges of the ribs become unstable due to multiple fractures of the ribs and sternum. This condition is a serious medical emergency that requires immediate attention and emergency care. If proper measures are not taken promptly, Flail Chest can lead to asphyxia and dangerous complications.

Flail Chest usually occurs due to trauma to the chest, such as a car accident, fall from height, or traumatic accident. As a result of the injury, the ribs may fracture at multiple locations, resulting in a segment of the rib cage that moves independently of the rest of the rib cage during breathing. This uncoordinated breathing rhythm leads to decreased efficiency of the respiratory system and respiratory failure.

The main symptoms of Flail Chest are chest pain, difficulty breathing, rapid and shallow breathing, and visible movement of the chest segment when breathing. Patients may also experience dizziness, weakness and severe anxiety due to the feeling of lack of air. If a patient develops asphyxia, it can lead to serious complications, including respiratory arrest and cardiovascular failure.

Diagnosis of Flail Chest includes a physical examination, chest x-ray and CT scan. It is important to quickly identify the presence of instability of the rib margins and assess the extent of damage to the chest wall. Additional tests, such as arterial gasometry and pulse oximetry, can help assess the level of respiratory failure and oxygen deficiency.

Flail Chest treatment aims to provide breathing support and chest stabilization. In cases where respiratory distress is severe, mechanical ventilation or intubation may be required to ensure adequate ventilation. Patients may also require analgesia and sedation to relieve pain and anxiety.

Surgery may be required in cases where there is severe damage to the chest or if conservative methods do not lead to improvement in the patient's condition. Surgery may include reconstruction of damaged ribs and sternum using implants or wires.

Once the chest has been stabilized and normal ventilation has been restored, rehabilitation interventions such as physical therapy and early activation can help patients regain chest function and return to normal life.

In conclusion, Flail Chest is a serious chest condition that requires immediate intervention and medical attention. Surgery, respiratory support, and chest stabilization are important aspects of treatment. Delay in providing emergency care can lead to the development of dangerous complications, so if you suspect Flail Chest, you should seek medical help immediately.