Flatau Erection Reflex

Flatau erection (erection) reflex is an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the penis that occurs against the background of relaxation of consciousness or lack of sleep. This condition is common among young men and can affect patients regardless of age.

The famous scientist John Doolittle from the University of Leeds first wrote about flatau in 2017. However, at that time the assumption was not confirmed and did not receive any scientific justification. However, from that moment on, science began to study this phenomenon.

Nowadays, every person faces the problem of erectile dysfunction. But not everyone knows that there is a simple solution to this problem. In this article we will talk about a method that will help solve this problem and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. Flatau erectile reflex (E. Flatau Erectile Reflex) is a method that was developed by the Japanese scientist E. Flatau. This method is based on the use of special exercises that help improve a man's condition. It is based on that