
Phleb is a collective name for a variety of diseases of the veins in the lower extremities, called in medical terminology “varicose veins” or “varicose veins,” which have similar manifestations and treatment methods.

These diseases are a problem for many people of different ages. Veins in the legs can become enlarged and protrude, causing discomfort and pain of varying degrees of intensity. This problem begins to bother patients over time. Varicose veins begin in youth and affect people by the age of 40, and most often occur before the age of 50. Vein diseases are extremely rare in children and adolescents, while still about half of women and three quarters of men aged 60 years and older experience the problem of varicose veins.

The manifestations of varicose veins are similar, but they manifest themselves to varying degrees:

- signs of discomfort (pain in the legs, heaviness in the lower extremities), similar to burning and distension; - a mesh of bulging veins; - swollen and protruding veins.