
Phlebopathological examination is a set of complex diagnostic procedures and laboratory and instrumental methods aimed at determining pathologies of blood flow and the condition of veins. If risk factors are identified, the doctor may refer the patient to a consultation with a phlebologist.

A phlebological center is a specialized medical center that provides qualified assistance in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Regular physical activity can make a significant difference in improving circulatory function. But nevertheless, professional sports can cause venous disease only if they are carried out incorrectly, with increased load on the legs. Most often, athletes prioritize higher athletic performance.

Typically, a decrease in the performance of any physiological system of the body does not occur immediately, but gradually, and the longer a person is forced to perform the so-called superman load, the more time is needed for a decrease in his performance, which also relates to the manifestation of symptoms of the disease.

In this situation, one of the main links that determines the severity of the pathological process is hemodynamics in the deep vein system, but without disturbing it