Phlegmon (Phlegmon)

Phlegmon - (obsolete) diffuse purulent inflammation of fatty tissue.

Cellulitis is an acute inflammation of the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which is accompanied by the accumulation of pus in the tissues. The disease develops due to the penetration of pyogenic microorganisms, most often streptococci and staphylococci, into the subcutaneous tissue.

Clinically, phlegmon is manifested by the appearance of a dense, sharply painful infiltrate in the subcutaneous tissue. The skin over the source of inflammation is hyperemic and swollen. The patient's general condition worsens, body temperature rises.

Diagnosis of phlegmon is based on the clinical picture and laboratory data. Treatment consists of antibiotics, drainage of abscesses and necrectomy. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Phlegmon is a diffuse purulent-inflammatory lesion of adipose tissue, often without clear boundaries and with a tendency to spread to neighboring areas. Depending on the location, phlegmon can be superficial or deep, as well as infiltrative or abscessive. One of the main reasons for the development of phlegmon is infected soft tissue injuries, usually the limbs, and less often the face and neck. More rare causes include specific infectious diseases (tetanus, erysipelas, carbuncle), actinomycosis or complications of purulent diseases (furunculosis, peritonitis, mastitis).

The onset of the disease is characterized by swelling of the affected area, redness of the skin at the site of inflammation, fever, headaches, weakness and loss of appetite. In this case, the swelling can exceed the size of the inflammatory focus up to 5 times. As inflammation spreads, soreness and hyperemia increase, fluctuation and cyanosis of the skin appear, which intensify when pressed. In most cases, phlegmon is accompanied by severe and throbbing pain, lichenification of the skin and the formation of ulcers with necrotic areas. However, it should be borne in mind that the symptoms of phlegmonous inflammation can vary greatly depending on the nature of the lesion, the severity and extent of inflammation.

Diagnosis of phlegmon foci is made by a surgeon. He conducts a visual examination of the patient, assesses the presence of pain, palpates the tumor, checks the general condition of the patient and prescribes appropriate tests

If you are tired of the disease and the doctor refused to help, and you are still afraid of it, perhaps you should turn to a serious thinker, and not to the last squeak of phlegmon. Cellulitis is a diffuse inflammation of the tissue that occurs from an unknown cause. Patients complain of fever, swollen cells, soreness and breathing problems. Many of them have a characteristic rash in the ankle area. Symptoms appear a few days after the infection. I have no allergies to patients with general health conditions. Even if you have an amazing reaction to cellulitis, I am ready to help relieve the symptoms of your illness. Continue to practice cellulitis as part of your physical therapy to help your body and it will only progress faster. However, once cellulitis develops in your joints, more serious therapy may be required, including a subcutaneous injection of steroids or antibiotics. But cellulitis will not destroy your immunity, so you should monitor your health. Contact a specialist who can help provide you with comprehensive medical care.