Periosteal phlegmon

What is phlegmon?

Phlegmon is the name given to limited accumulations of pus in the tissue of various locations. This pathology is always accompanied by intoxication, so it can lead to serious complications and even death of the patient. The cause of formation can be injuries, surgical interventions, purulent processes. The pathology often develops in people over 50 years of age, often suffering from obesity and diabetes. The subperiosteum leaks, as a rule, for a long time. The presence of inflammation affects the duration of the disease, as well as what stages it goes through.

Cellulitis under the periosteum: causes of the disease Depending on the type of affected area, it can affect the oral cavity, pharynx or larynx. The maxillofacial area is most often affected. Thus, pathology is provoked by such a factor as a subperiosteal cyst - a cystic formation localized under the suprabone of the upper jaw. In this case, phlegmon initially occurs in the form of an acute course, after which it becomes chronic. At the site of formation of the subperiosteal cyst, a chronic inflammatory process is formed. It is these elements that provoke phlegmon under the periosteum. The disease can also be triggered by the following factors:

* removal of a tooth; * curvature of the nasal septum; * poor oral care; * xerostomia; * structural anomalies of the apexes of the teeth; * incorrect bite; * skull fracture; * weakening of the immune system; * metabolic disease; * ignoring brushing teeth; * dental operations performed on the maxillary bone (including installation of dentures);

For the pathological process to develop, an infection must enter the socket or tongue area through root canals or a cut made during dental procedures.