Flu, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections: how to recognize and treat

Seasonal respiratory viral diseases, which we usually combine with the word “cold,” are nevertheless quite diverse. Let's start with the fact that they can be caused by different types of viruses - which means there is no universal remedy that can affect the pathogen.

The second important point: according to statistics, the majority of Ukrainians suffer from colds of various origins 1-2 times a year.

The symptoms are approximately the same for everyone: fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat. All this may be accompanied by general weakness, headache, and loss of strength. With the flu, the consequences can be even more severe, although, as doctors say, “delayed,” that is, they do not appear immediately.

Therefore, in order to know how to treat diseases with seemingly similar symptoms, it would be nice to understand what we are dealing with.

Flu? ARVI?

The diagnosis of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) includes a number of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In order to determine the type of pathogen, it is necessary to conduct tests. But the doctor cannot always prescribe such a study: not every clinic has the necessary equipment.

In addition, the process of identifying the pathogen takes a long time. Therefore, during an epidemic, the diagnosis is usually made based on the severity of the main symptoms (fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, etc.).

Often during a seasonal outbreak of viral infections we get the flu. It differs from other respiratory diseases in that the flu and its consequences can cause death, so the prevention and treatment of this disease must be taken seriously.

Every year, 10% of the population falls ill with the flu during the flu season. Scientists identify three types of the pathogen - strains A, B and C. Influenza C virus does not cause epidemics, but can cause illness in children's groups. Virus B also contributes to the seasonal incidence of influenza and colds.

We, as a rule, “pick up” one or another variety of the constantly changing strain A, which is the culprit of influenza epidemics, including global epidemics - pandemics.

All these diseases have similar symptoms, but still each of them has its own specifics.


Typically, with viral respiratory infections, we are worried about a sore throat, cough, nasal congestion or runny nose with copious nasal mucus. The temperature rises, but not for long and, as a rule, not very much. This illness goes away in about a week, although if the viral infection is not treated, complications such as cough can last up to 3 weeks.

“Classic” flu is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature to 39°C and above, accompanied by increasing “cold symptoms.” In addition, a dry cough develops, a headache begins, and body muscles ache.

Rhinovirus infections are often accompanied by pain in the frontal region, inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes, and nasal congestion, especially when lying down. At the same time, copious mucus may be released from the nose.


Of course, the most correct thing is to consult a doctor to accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment. However, until you see a doctor, you can alleviate your condition.

First of all, drink more fluids, this will help the body remove toxins and compensate for the loss of moisture due to excessive sweating. Choose medications that will help alleviate your general condition and help eliminate all the main symptoms: sore throat, runny nose, fever, general weakness.

Don't "prescribe" yourself antibiotics. They should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor after performing the necessary tests. It should be borne in mind that antibacterial therapy is effective if the disease is caused by bacteria, but is absolutely useless for viral diseases, which include ARVI - that is