
Fluoride: Implications for Dental Health

Fluoride is a fluoride compound that is important for dental health. The inclusion of fluoride ions in tooth enamel makes the latter more resistant to the development of dental caries. In this article, we'll look at how fluoride ions affect tooth enamel, how they enter the body, and how water fluoridation and other fluoride treatments can help prevent tooth decay.

Effect of fluoride on dental health

Fluoride ions penetrate the tooth enamel during its formation, as well as after teething - through surface absorption. These ions help strengthen tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acids that cause tooth decay. In addition, fluoride can help restore enamel if it has already been damaged by tooth decay.

How does fluoride enter the body?

Fluoride can enter the body through food and drinking water. Fluoridation of water involves adding fluoride to it, which makes it more favorable for dental health. Fluoride compounds can also be used topically in toothpastes or applied to the surface of teeth by a dentist. If drinking water contains too little fluoride, fluoride salts may be given to children as gargles, drops or tablets.

Use of fluoride to prevent tooth decay

Water fluoridation is the most common way to use fluoride to prevent tooth decay. However, if the water is not fluoridated, fluoride can also be obtained from other sources, such as toothpastes, mouth rinses, and special gels for applying to the teeth. These methods can be especially helpful for those who do not have access to fluoridated water.


Fluoride plays an important role in maintaining dental health. Their effect on tooth enamel helps prevent the development of caries and protect teeth from damage. Fluoridation of water, toothpastes, and other fluoride uses can help keep teeth healthy and beautiful for years to come.

Fluoride is a fluoride compound that is widely used in dentistry and healthcare. Fluoride ions are incorporated into the enamel of teeth, making them more resistant to the development of dental caries. These ions penetrate the enamel during its formation and can also penetrate the surface layers of the teeth through absorption.

Fluoridation of water is the process of adding fluorides to it. This process was introduced in 1945 and is one of the most effective and common methods of preventing dental caries. Fluoride compounds can also be used topically in toothpastes or applied to the surface of teeth by a dentist.

If drinking water does not contain enough fluoride, fluoride salts can be given to children in the form of rinses, drops or tablets. This is especially important for children whose teeth are still developing and forming.

Although fluoride has many positive effects on dental health, its use can also have some negative effects. For example, excess fluoride in the body can lead to diseases of the teeth and bones, but this only occurs at very high doses.

Thus, fluoride is an important compound that helps prevent dental caries. They can be used both systemically and locally, and their use should be balanced to avoid possible negative consequences.

Fluoride is one of the most powerful and common additives in the world. The substance appears as a white powder or colorless crystals. The main task of supplements is to prevent the development of bacteria that can cause caries, therefore reducing the risk of tooth decay. Fluorides have been used for teeth since the 18th century. They cannot be called cheap substances - the cost per kilogram is about 20-30 thousand rubles. Today, to increase the number of consumers, people use various methods to increase the penetration of substances into tooth tissue: gels, rinses, pastes. According to WHO statistics, in developing countries fluoride compounds are used to reduce the number of dental diseases that have not yet begun in children, but are