Fluorescence Analysis

Fluorescence analysis is the general name for methods that are used for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of test substances using fluorescent technology. This is an analysis method that is based on the ability of certain molecules to glow when exposed to ultraviolet or visible light, and the light they emit has a different wavelength than the light they absorb.

Fluorescence is a phenomenon when a substance absorbs light energy and enters an excited state, then transitions to the ground state and emits light of a different wavelength. This process can be observed using special reagents that react with the test substance and lead to the appearance of a fluorescent signal.

To carry out fluorescent analysis, special devices are used - fluorimeters. They allow fluorescence intensity to be measured and compared with a reference sample. Fluorimetry is widely used in clinical practice for the diagnosis of various diseases, as well as in industry for product quality control.

One of the most common fluorescence analysis methods is the fluorescent probe method. This method is based on the use of special molecules that bind to the molecules of interest and cause fluorescence. For example, to determine the concentration of a protein in a solution, fluorescent probes can be used that bind to proteins and cause them to fluoresce.

Another method of fluorescence analysis is the flow cytometry method. This method allows the analysis of a large number of cells in a short time and with high accuracy. For this purpose, special dyes are used that bind to cell surface receptors and cause fluorescence. Flow cytometry is widely used to study blood cells, oncology and immunology.

In general, fluorescence analysis is one of the most accurate and sensitive analytical methods. It allows you to quickly and accurately determine the concentration of various substances, which makes it an indispensable tool in laboratory practice and medicine.

Fluorescence optics is the general name of the branches of optics involved in the study of the phenomenon of fluorescence and the development of methods for its observation and use for lighting, optical measurements, optical communications, optical image processing systems and other purposes. The sections of fluorescence optics include fluorescent optics, phosphorescent optics and only a few recently appeared sections such as terahertz fluorescence, ultraviolet violet (UV-V) and blue background, high-resolution telescope (Hi-Res).