Fluorocymography [Luoro(Graphy) + Kymography]

Fluorography is a radiography technique that is used to screen for lung diseases. However, recently more and more attention has been paid to the quality and accuracy of diagnosis, since many lung diseases can be missed in the early stages. In this regard, a new technique was developed - fluoro-kymography, which combines fluorography and x-ray kymography.

X-ray kymography is a method that allows you to evaluate the movement of the lungs during breathing. It is based on the fact that the lungs have a certain volume and shape, which change during breathing. X-ray kymography allows you to obtain information about how the lungs move during inhalation and exhalation, as well as the presence of various pathologies.

Fluoro-cymography can improve the quality of diagnosis of lung diseases, as it allows one to obtain more accurate information about the movement of the lungs during breathing and the presence of pathologies. In addition, this method can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of lung diseases and to monitor the dynamics of the disease.

Thus, fluorocardiography is a new method for diagnosing lung diseases, which allows one to obtain more accurate and complete information about the condition of the lungs and possible pathologies. This method can be useful for doctors and patients who want better diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases.

Fluorokimography (FLG) is a method of x-ray examination of the chest organs, combining fluorography and x-ray kymography. This method allows not only to identify pathological changes in the lungs and mediastinum, but also to assess the functional state of the heart and blood vessels.

FLG is carried out on a special device that combines an X-ray emitter and a digital videographer. During the examination, the patient is in a supine position, his arms are located along the body, and his legs are bent at the knees and spread apart.

After the start of the study, fluorography is performed, which makes it possible to identify changes in the lungs. Then X-ray kymography is performed, which is based on measuring the speed of movement of the walls of blood vessels and the heart. This allows you to assess the functional state of the cardiovascular system.

FLG results can be used to diagnose various diseases, such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer, heart and vascular diseases, as well as to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

One of the advantages of FLG is the possibility of conducting this study on a mass scale, which allows for timely detection of diseases and prevention of the development of complications. In addition, FLG makes it possible to more accurately determine the localization of the pathological process, which increases the effectiveness of treatment.