Fluorosis (Fluomsis)

Fluorosis is a disease that occurs as a result of consuming large amounts of fluoride. Dental fluorosis is characterized by the appearance of specific opaque spots on the tooth enamel that can become stained. The incidence of dental fluorosis increases significantly if the fluoride level in the water is more than two parts per million parts of water. The enamel covered with such stains is highly resistant to the development of dental caries.

When fluoride levels in water exceed eight parts per million parts of water, a person may develop general body fluorosis with calcification of the ligaments. This systemic disease affects bones and joints, causing them to become deformed and brittle. In severe cases of fluorosis, disability may develop.

To prevent fluorosis, it is important to control the fluoride content in drinking water and toothpaste, and not to consume excess amounts of products containing fluoride. Timely detection and treatment of fluorosis helps prevent the development of complications and disability.

Fluorosis: what is it and how to avoid it

Fluorosis is a disease that occurs as a result of consuming large amounts of fluoride. This disease is characterized by the appearance of specific opaque spots on the tooth enamel that can become stained. The incidence of dental fluorosis increases significantly if the fluoride level in the water is more than two parts per million parts of water.

The enamel covered with such stains is highly resistant to the development of dental caries. However, when the fluoride content in water exceeds certain standards, a person may develop general body fluorosis with calcification of the ligaments.

Fluorosis is considered the most common disease associated with fluoride misuse and can be caused by both natural sources such as water and soil and man-made sources such as toothpastes and industrial processes.

The appearance of fluorosis on teeth can be a symptom that the human body is absorbing too much fluoride. Therefore, it is important to monitor the amount of fluoride we take in, especially if the water we drink contains high amounts of fluoride.

There are many ways to prevent fluorosis. First, we need to control the amount of fluoride we consume and monitor its levels in water, toothpastes and other products. Secondly, you can take special medications that help reduce the amount of fluoride in the body. Third, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene to reduce the risk of developing dental caries.

In conclusion, fluorosis is a serious condition that can be caused by improper use of fluoride. Be vigilant and monitor the amount of fluoride you get to avoid developing fluorosis and keep your teeth and body healthy.

FLUOROSIS is a dental syndrome characterized by a disturbance in the exchange of calcium and fluoride during the development of hard tooth tissues (enamel). Clinically, it manifests itself in various forms of damage to tooth enamel (dentin). The most important is the spotted form of fluorosis, which occurs most often.