Folliculitis And Perifolliculitis of the Scalp Abscess Undermining Hoffmann

Folliculitis and abscess ruptures of perm fog are localized purulent lesions of the hair follicles. They are caused by infections caused by various microorganisms (bacteria). They can appear in different parts of the head, but are usually locally concentrated at the crown and back of the head.

Abscess formation involves the formation of a purulent cavity or carbuncle. Hoffmann's pustules and carbuncles differ from an abscess in that they do not have their own walls. Lumps and pustules can form in different age groups, but most often they occur in adults. An abscess can occur regardless of the causes leading to the disease, or it can be a side manifestation of the underlying disease.

**Folliculitis, like many other manifestations of skin diseases, has similar causes:**

1. infections of various types; 2. scalp injuries; 3. damage from shaving; 4. insufficient scalp care; 5. weakened immune system; 6. chronic infections.

Unfortunately, many people suffering from scalp folliculitis seek medical help late precisely because they are unaware of the signs and symptoms of the disease. At the earliest stage, you may notice red spots or pimples on the skin. Over time, pustules with a white head inside form on them, and after ripening, they need to be opened. This method of treatment is strictly prohibited. If pus begins to flow out and stops accumulating, then we are talking about a carbuncle. This disease has similar symptoms, but is more advanced and more difficult to treat. **Without the intervention of a doctor, complications may arise that require surgical intervention.**

In order to avoid the development of complications, it is necessary to contact a specialist in your field and begin treatment as soon as possible. At the moment, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to treat folliculitis itself and bactericidal drugs to heal cells and prevent the reappearance of ulcers. The patient is also prescribed medications that effectively treat the immune system to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and speed up recovery.

Within three weeks after starting treatment and resuming normal skin care, you can get rid of the effects of folliculitis forever. Some specialists may additionally prescribe enzymes, vitamins and external medications for the skin to achieve better results. Symptoms of folliculitis may disappear within a few days, and full recovery will occur in a few weeks.