Photochemotherapy (Puva, Photochemotherapy)

Photochemotherapy is a treatment method based on the combination of the photosensitive drug psoralen (psoralen) with irradiation of the affected areas with long-wavelength ultraviolet rays (315-400 nm).

This method has been used since ancient times in Eastern countries to treat vitiligo. In this case, ordinary sunlight is used as a radiation source.

Since 1973, this method has become widespread in Western countries, where it began to be used mainly for the treatment of psoriasis, as well as some other diseases.

Psoralen is usually prescribed to the patient in tablets, but sometimes it can also be prescribed to him in the form of baths.

Irradiation with ultraviolet rays is carried out in specialized booths containing a large number of fluorescent lamps.

Photochemotherapy (Puva, Photochemotherapy) is a treatment method that uses a combination of the light-sensitive drug psoralen (psoralen) with ultraviolet irradiation of the affected areas of the skin. This treatment method was first used in Eastern countries to treat vitiligo using sunlight. Since then, the method has become widespread and is used to treat psoriasis and other skin diseases.

Psoralen is a light-sensitive drug that is usually prescribed in tablets or baths. After taking psoralen, the patient is exposed to ultraviolet irradiation of the affected areas of the skin. Irradiation is carried out in specialized rooms that contain a large number of fluorescent lamps.

Photochemotherapy is used to treat various skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo and dermatitis. It can be effective in treating cases where other methods fail.

However, like any treatment method, photochemotherapy has its advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages are its high effectiveness in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases, as well as the ability to improve the patient’s quality of life. However, the disadvantages are possible side effects such as burns, dry skin, acne and an increased risk of skin cancer.

If you suffer from skin conditions, discuss with your doctor the possibility of using photochemotherapy as a treatment option. Your doctor will help you determine if this method is right for you and tell you about any side effects that may occur during treatment.

The photochemotherapy process occurs within a photodynamic agent, Psoralen, which binds to oxygen molecules in the skin. UVA rays then absorb these compounds and then produce a reaction that damages the damaged skin cells and stimulates their growth and destruction. In general, the photochemotherapy technique has been proven to be an effective treatment for diseases such as onychomycosis, psoriasis and vitiligo. However, there are many advantages and disadvantages associated with this method.

Advantages of photochemotherapy treatment: - Convenient: As mentioned above, photochemotherapy can be done in a clinic or even at home. - Affordability: Although patients suffering from psoriasis and vitiligo can sometimes spend a lot of money to pay for treatment, access to them is relatively inexpensive. - Effective: Patients who used methods to lower levels of thyroid hormones or glucocorticoid hormones made a greater difference in their personal health status; some even reported long-term absence of symptoms.

Disadvantages of photochemotherapy treatment:

- Little information: There are very few studies left today that describe this approach, and we sometimes do not know at all whether the treatment will be most effective for the patient or not.

Conclusion: Phototherapy treatments are effective treatments and have been around for a long time. However, there are several