
A photonystagmographic study consists of photographing the eyeballs with a double nystagmus-static system and subsequent processing of the resulting images, as well as repeated examination after 3 minutes. The final result reflects the state of one of the central manifestations of visual-motor interaction. On conventional monitors, with a single-color fill, images are automatically processed by one of three methods for determining the nystagmus threshold. The graphical display of the study result has the form of a non-metric scale with areas of both absence and strong eye reaction, however, only with a lateral (right and left) study according to the traditional European scheme, it is possible to determine the value of the result on the entire scale and the visual boundaries of the visual fields. These boundaries were previously generally accepted for non-computer-based visual field testing, although it is not easy to accurately correlate the visual field edge results with a graphical profile of the nystagmus threshold. Based on the profile of one eye, the corresponding left or right border of the visual field is determined for the other. During binocular examination, boundaries are determined that conventionally correspond to a horizontal section on them as the area of ​​greatest reaction of the eye. This determines the pole of sensitivity in the field of view. Binocular examination