
Photoventriculography (PVG) is an X-ray examination method based on the use of a contrast agent in the form of a suspension of microparticles placed in the patient’s blood. This allows you to obtain clearer and more detailed images of the heart.

Unlike an ECG, FVG allows one to judge the contractility of the myocardium and identify foci of ischemia. This method is used to diagnose congenital heart defects, rhythm and conduction disorders, heart tumors, inflammatory diseases of the myocardium and pericardium, pericarditis, diseases of the aorta and other vessels, as well as to monitor the effectiveness of treatment, etc.

FVG is performed in a hospital setting. The patient is injected intravenously with a contrast agent, which is then excreted from the body through the kidneys. After this, a series of x-rays of the heart are taken in different projections.

This research method is highly informative and allows you to diagnose many heart diseases in the early stages. However, like any other diagnostic method, it cannot replace an examination by a cardiologist who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Article "Photoventriculogram"

Today, modern medical technologies make it possible to obtain new knowledge and expand our understanding of various diseases. In particular, Photoventriculology is a new direction in cardiac diagnostics, which allows non-invasive diagnosis of cardiac pathologies without the use of radiation diagnostic methods. This method is becoming increasingly popular among doctors and patients due to its accuracy, safety and speed of obtaining results.

Photoventricumography (PVG) is a modern method for diagnosing heart disease, based on assessing changes in the structure and function of the heart using high-frequency ultrasound waves. It allows you to obtain a wide range of information about the condition of the heart and its anatomy, which contributes to more accurate diagnosis and determination of treatment tactics. Due to its nature, FVG is a universal method that can be used in children and adults, including pregnant women. The use of this technology makes it possible not only to establish an accurate diagnosis, but also to identify precancerous changes that cannot be detected by conventional diagnostic methods.

Traditional heart scanning methods use X-rays, which can cause some health risks with long-term use. FVG, in turn, is based on the use of ultrasonic pulses, which do not have any effect on the body and are usually applied through the skin. Thus, the use of the FVG method is advisable and provides a more accurate diagnosis of cardiac problems. In addition, its use has other advantages, for example, obtaining new valuable material that allows a more accurate assessment of the condition of blood vessels and the heart. This method is quite easy to use and has minimal radiation exposure. The most important thing in diagnosing pathology is the correspondence of the identified signs to the diseases, however, this feature is often a problem, especially if you have experience as a doctor. For this reason, at present, preference is given to complex diagnostic methods using biochemical, histological, instrumental and other research methods.