Fera Corneal Dystrophy

Fera corneal dystrophy (lat. dysplasia corneae fera, from ancient Greek δυσ- - a prefix meaning “bad”, “wrong”, and γλοσσα - “tongue, speech”) is a rare hereditary dystrophic pathology of the cornea, characterized by symmetrical clouding of the cornea front layers in the form of spots and stripes.

Fer's dystrophy was first described by the German ophthalmologist Otto Fehr in 1893.

The causes of corneal dystrophy have not yet been elucidated.
Currently, there are several types of corneal dystrophies.
The most common is ferra dystrophy A, in which opacities are located on the periphery of the cornea in the form of rings or stripes that look like a flame.
Dystrophy B is characterized by the presence of multiple small opacities, which are located over the entire surface of the cornea and resemble a frost pattern.

Local dystrophy is a group of eye diseases (OD) caused by impaired nutrition of the corneal tissues and their metabolic processes, leading to the development of degenerative changes limited in localization.

Dystrophic changes in the cornea have been the focus of attention in ophthalmological science for many decades. In ophthalmology, the prevailing opinion is that corneal dystrophy is a general disease. In fact, diseases of the ocular structures, including the stroma, neural elements, vascular network and intra- and epithelial structures, can be considered as independent ophthalmological forms. At the same time, doubts often arise about the true nosological affiliation of the diseases, about the effectiveness and scope of surgical interventions for various types of MDZ, as well as the need for treatment of degenerative processes. However, the experience accumulated in recent decades allows us to speak not only about the pathophysiological similarity of corneal dystrophies, but also about the patterns of their clinical course.

It is known that all refractive errors requiring surgical intervention in the presence of keratoconus and primary ectopia should be considered as early stages of one group of dystrophically changing eye tissues. Accordingly, all persons with micro-(LCVA) <-0.5 дптр.), требуется в анамнезе отметить факт операции из-за незначительного косоглазия. Следует отметить, что при снижении ОCD до значений 40−60° (или более) и сохранении его на протяжении длительного времени, во всех случаях характерно появление жалоб со стороны астено-амблиопической пары (амблиопия + снижение зрения). Наряду с этим, ОCD является, в ряде случаев, маркером развивающегося катарактального процесса, поскольку по мере развития старческой атрофии наблюдается значительное увеличение значения ОCD вплоть до 90° при условии неизменности афферентного диска зрительного нерва. Все эти факторы необходимо учитывать при выборе тактики лечения.

It is often difficult to differentiate the main