
Frenospasm is a medical term used to designate a symptom such as spasmodic contractions of the muscles of the head or face, also called cramps or cramps. It is usually a localized muscle spasm, leading to pain and contracture, as well as other neurological and psychiatric manifestations such as visual, speech and hearing disorders. This syndrome occurs due to muscle pain, cramps, stress, overwork, or for a number of other reasons.

Phrenospasm is a disease characterized by prolonged tension, contraction and spasmodic rigidity of the neck muscles. Phrenosis is diagnosed by the presence of the following criteria: contraction of the muscles of the back of the head, eliminated by relief of the spine, the need to use medications if necessary, deformation of the skull and pathological tone of the muscles in the back of the head and neck. Treatment of the disease includes the use of physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy in the form of electrophoresis or drug treatment in the form of drugs. The development of the disease may include two main factors: pathological mobility of the occipital bone and increased muscle tension. According to medicine, this syndrome can be caused by an increased psycho-emotional background, chronic overexertion, injury to the back of the head or head, use of neurotoxic chemicals, in athletes it can occur due to muscle fatigue during high-stress physical work