Freya Reaction

The concept of delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction (DTH) - a classic immune surveillance reaction (Revierimmunreaktion) - was formulated in the 20s of the 20th century thanks to the findings of immunological research by Paul Ehrlich and his colleagues. The fundamental discoveries of these scientists make it possible to clearly present the physical, chemical and biological basis of the HRT reaction, but do not address general issues of its regulation. Their occurrence became possible after the discovery of the classical form of local skin immunity, since the connection between the GZ reactions discovered by parasites and the associated immunological properties of T-lymphocytes was traced from the moment the T-suppressors were identified in humans. Nonspecific mechanisms of general defense against infections are still the subject of research, and work in this area is at an early stage of development. (O.). Krugsov Frey von. Pathological physiology of immune reactions (Immunopathologie der Immunreaktionen), Berlin, Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1971 Reaction of HRT by Ionaskov and his assistant A.N. Pavlovsky (Ionska, A.N.): Since the GZ reaction is a generalization of the immune properties of T-lymphatic cells, even methods for studying the connection between