Friedrich Stop

Friedrejka Stop is a Dutch name as well as a disease and a concept associated with it. It occurs in almost 3-4% of all newborns and is gender-related: boys are more susceptible. In the initial stages it is almost impossible to diagnose. The diagnosis is made only in adolescence. The disease begins to appear when the child is over 2 years old. The patients feel well: they cry in moderation. By the age of 7, problems with muscle and skeletal motor skills appear. They are walking weakly. Children sometimes do not know how to perform various manipulations and movements. During swimming, when swimming in or out of the water, children experience imbalance in the form of falling on one side. Parental complaints only about this symptom are associated with its progression. Another characteristic symptom is an unsteady gait. Some children walk with a “swaying” gait. Children find it difficult to walk long distances. Out of the 5-7 km distance that parents try to take their child to, sometimes he cannot walk even 2 km. And to walk the remaining 3 km takes about 3 hours. When palpating the diseased spine in the area where the motor nerve is destroyed, a certain vagueness is felt. This is due to damaged cerebral convolutions. The nerve is also called Cutting nerve disease. The reason for his defeat