Functional Zoning

Functional zoning is the process of dividing the territory of a settlement or city into various functional zones, each of which has its own purpose and characteristics. This makes it possible to eliminate or reduce the adverse impact of the environment on residents, improve the quality of life, and also increase the efficiency of use of the territory.

First of all, functional zoning is used for residential areas. Depending on the number of residents and their needs, residential, industrial, recreational zones, public transport zones and others can be created on the territory.

Living sector designed for human habitation. It may include residential buildings, dormitories, hotels, shops, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other social facilities. This area must provide conditions for comfortable living of people, such as a sufficient number of green spaces, parks, public gardens, places for recreation and entertainment.

Industrial Zone designed to accommodate industrial enterprises, warehouses, and transport infrastructure facilities. In this area, all necessary environmental and sanitary standards must be observed in order to minimize the negative impact on the environment.

Recreational area designed for people to relax and recuperate. This zone may contain parks, squares, sports grounds, areas for sports and other types of physical activity.

In addition, functional zoning can be used to create public transport zones where public transport stops, metro stations and other transport hubs are located.

One of the effective ways to create a comfortable urban environment is functional zoning. This method involves dividing the territory of a settlement into zones, each of which is intended for certain types of activities and meeting the specific needs of the population.

One of the main advantages of functional zoning is the creation of favorable conditions for people's livelihoods. By dividing territories into zones, free access to infrastructure, buildings and structures that provide certain services (education, healthcare, public transport, etc.) is ensured.

When developing urban planning documentation, it is necessary to take into account not only the layout of residential and industrial areas, but also the architectural and spatial characteristics of the environment. Each development element must correspond to the natural and climatic conditions of the given region.

For example, the development of functional planning solutions for city blocks at the design stage takes into account the nature of the predominant development in a particular zone (in particular, in areas of natural development), as well as the location of historical city centers, landscape and visual characteristics of natural attractions and buildings.

The introduction of a functional zoning method requires comprehensive research in all areas of architecture and urban planning. This need motivates the scientific potential in the field of designing various functional types of neighborhoods, which in turn makes it possible to achieve unity of the principles of urban modeling, that is, the rational construction of the living environment.

There are several main groups of planning techniques that are the main elements of strategic urban planning: classification of land according to quality and its types of use (urban-ecological division of the territory into