
**FungiMax** is a dietary supplement (BAA), which is produced in Russia and is a source of polysaccharides. Fungamix was developed by Russian scientists and produced by Kursiv NP (Russia).

The dietary supplement FungiMax has a number of advantages over other drugs that are used to treat fungal infections. Firstly, it contains a unique combination of substances that helps quickly destroy fungi and reduce their number in the body. Secondly, FungiMax is easily digestible and does not cause side effects.

The FungiMax dietary supplement contains a large amount of polysaccharide substances, including igalactomannan, which have antibiotic properties. This property helps them not only fight fungal infections, but also strengthen the immune system. Scientists also note that polysaccharide substances have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties, and also help speed up the healing process of wounds and cracks.

The use of FungaMax is indicated for mycoses of the skin, nails (onychomycosis) and mucous membranes, vulvovaginitis, pyelonephritis and cystitis, mutilating wounds and cracks, keratitis, conjunctivitis, chlamydia. In addition to treatment, FunMahs can also be used to prevent certain diseases and to generally strengthen the immune system.

Despite all the benefits of the Fungamikha dietary supplement, it is important to remember that it is not a drug and cannot replace drug treatment prescribed by a doctor. Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor and strictly follow the recommendations for use.