
G-motoneuron is a motor area of ​​the midbrain, which has pyramidal and extrapyramidal cells on the striopallidal commissure. The cell group of motor neurons is formed by its tributaries: the superolateral part (APMN) of the paleostriatum, the ventrolateral (VPMN) and lateral (LPNM) tegmental nuclei. The axon endings are located in the globus pallidus and the cortex of the striopallidal complex. Despite their location, their reflexes coordinately influence muscle contractions of the body. The function of cerebellar motor neurons is determined by the movement of their axons; in other words, only those neurons that actively move from the midbrain (global, which includes the thalamus, hippocampus, mediobasal hippothalamus, etc.) to the midbrain (globar), which is accompanied by an expansion of the cerebellar complex cortex, perform their function. Cerebellar motor neurons are an important element of their own programming of activity; they reflect the onset of movement, and their cancellation creates a “grounding system”. G-k