
Gallamine is a drug that is used in injection form to provide muscle relaxation during anesthesia. Gallamine is one of the representatives of the group of curare-like drugs that block the transmission of nerve impulses from nerve endings to muscles.

Muscle relaxation is an important component of anesthesia because it allows the surgeon to perform manipulations more easily and reduces the risk of tissue damage from spasmodic muscle contractions. Gallamine has a long-lasting effect, which allows you to maintain the desired degree of relaxation for a long time.

In addition, gallamine is used for diagnostic purposes to detect myasthenia gravis, a disease in which there is muscle weakness but no evidence of damage to the nervous system. In this case, gallamine is administered as a stimulant for muscarinic receptors, which makes it possible to diagnose the presence or absence of the disease.

The trade name for gallamine is Flaxedil. However, it should be remembered that self-medication with gallamine can be dangerous and should only be carried out under the supervision of a qualified physician. Uncontrolled use of this drug can lead to serious consequences, including allergic reactions and respiratory arrest.

Gallamine is a medicinal substance that is used to provide muscle relaxation during anesthesia. It is administered intravenously to the patient and provides relaxation of skeletal muscles throughout the surgical operation. Gallamine is also used for diagnostic purposes - to conduct a test to detect pseudoparalytic myasthenia gravis.

The mechanism of action of gallamine is the competitive inhibition of acetylcholine receptors in skeletal muscles, which leads to disruption of nerve impulse transmission and muscle relaxation.

Gallamine is available in the form of a drug under the trade name "Flaxedil". It belongs to the group of muscle relaxants with curare-like action.

Thus, gallamine is an effective means of achieving muscle relaxation during surgery under general anesthesia. In addition, it is used to diagnose myasthenia gravis.

Gallamine or Gallamine is a medicine designed to provide muscle relaxation during a state of anesthesia. It is also used in a diagnostic test for myasthenia gravis.

Gallamine is one of the many well-known