Hallucinations Interoceptive

Hallucinatory interpretative experiences are visions that arise due to a dissociation between our sensations and our perception of reality. These experiences often occur in people suffering from mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Interrogative syndromes are characterized by the presence of illusions and hallucinations, as well as impaired perception of reality in general, in the absence of disorders of memory, consciousness and consciousness. It is important to note that interrogative states can be triggered by some strong negative experience, or perhaps something similar to a negative experience. In this case, hallucinatory interactions may manifest as the patient begins to hear and see voices that correspond to his thoughts, imagination and real worldly suffering. Usually these voices give the patient unflattering remarks, insults, and strange instructions aimed at improving his condition after certain unpleasant situations. They can talk about what he did wrong, his fate is developing incorrectly, and the like. If the patient is in a state of psychosis, then his mental state worsens, while he begins to feel that the thoughts of other people are constantly present next to him. This determines his own behavior and perception of the surrounding reality.