
Hamarthophobe (Greek, hamartos - deviation from the norm, phobos - fear) is a person who is afraid of people who differ from him in some physical or intellectual qualities that demonstrate a lag in the development of certain skills and abilities. For many, this manifests itself in such features as:

What is hamartophobia? How does this relate to medicine?

Hamartophobia is a mental disorder in which a person is haunted by the idea that he has various diseases that he actually does not have. In other words, people begin to fear their body, even if there are no obvious signs of pathology. A phobia can appear precisely against the background of panic fear of all the resulting diseases, and thus, obsessive thoughts are gradually reinforced by an increasing number of unfounded fears, although they themselves are their prelude. However, medicine is not so rarely faced with such situations - but each time they have a different explanation. Many of these phobias are based on some kind of genetic anomalies and metabolic disorders, so any attempt to establish a connection between the disease and its negative impact on the psyche will be too difficult.

A similar symptom, expressed in neglect of one’s life, is formed on a nervous basis. This is one of the reasons why the number of sick people inevitably increases with age. Besides,