Ghana Bone Grafting

Ghana bone grafting is a surgical procedure that is used to correct and increase bone volume. It was developed by the German surgeon E. Gann at the end of the 19th century. Since then, this technique has become very popular and is used in many fields of medicine, such as dentistry, orthopedics and surgery.

Bone grafting uses a bone graft that is taken from one part of the body and transferred to another part. At the same time, the graft replaces the missing bone tissue and allows you to achieve more stable results during treatment.

To carry out this operation, it is necessary to have an experienced team of specialists and well-equipped medical equipment. During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision in the patient's skin and removes some of the damaged bone. Then, a new layer of bone tissue is created over the resulting void, which is obtained from a bone graft.

After the operation is completed, the patient is stitched and given appropriate treatment. As a result, the bone grafting procedure can improve the patient’s quality of life and get rid of many health problems.