Ganglion Ciliary

The ciliary ganglion (lat. ganglion ciliare) is a special type of ganglion or nerve ganglion, which is located in the area of ​​​​the eyelids and eyelashes. This ganglion is one of the important elements of the system for regulating the movement of the eyeball and ensuring comfort when using the visual apparatus.

The ciliary ganglion performs the following functions:

1. Monitoring the condition of the extraocular muscles. The ciliary ganglia regulate the movement of the eyeball using electrical impulses, which they transmit to the muscles involved in moving the eye along the orbit. If the ganglion malfunctions, a person may experience discomfort associated with blurred vision or squinting of the eyes. 2. Regulation of tear production. The ciliary ganglion also controls the functioning of the glands responsible for the production of tears. They receive signals from the other part of the trigeminal nerve and sense the moisture level of the conjunctiva to maintain a healthy balance. For various disorders associated with the ganglion